written authorization

[ˈrɪtn ˌɔθərɪˈzeʃən][ˈrɪtn ˌɔ:θərɪˈzeɪʃən]


  • The above written notification for the termination of the authorization to a third party has to be received by DFTT with at least two days notice .

    DFTT得到上述 书面终止 授权给第三方的通知,至少二个工作日后生效。

  • Copyright Statement : Regarding all of the words pictures and forms delivered by this website any copy or use shall get the written permission or authorization with the origin marked .

    版权声明:本网站发表的所有文字、图片、表格,如需转载或使用,须经本公司 书面许可或 授权,并须标明出处。

  • This document is the property of CMCC GD and can be neither reproduced nor disclosed to a third party without a written authorization .

    本文档所有权和解释权归中国移动广东公司所有,未经 书面 许可,不得复制或向第三方公开。

  • Any reproduction adaptation distribution dissemination or making available of such copyright works to any party is not allowed unless prior written authorization is obtained .

    除非预先得到 书面 批准,任何人不能复制,改编,分发及发布此等版权作品。

  • Nobody else has that privilege without the owner 's explicit written authorization .

    不经专利人的明确 书面 授权,任何人都不得实施这项专利。

  • If a lawfully established collective copyright management organization files an action in its own name and with a written authorization from the copyrighter with a competent people 's court such action shall be duly accepted .

    依法成立的著作权集体管理组织,根据著作权人的 书面 授权,以自己的名义提起诉讼,人民法院应当受理。

  • All contents of the site without the written authorization of T & Q design no copy image or they will be held accountable under the law .

    本页内容未经 书面 授权 许可,不得转载、复制或在非中国证券网所属服务器建立镜像。

  • Where an agent participates in the conference it shall present to the peoples court or the chairman of the creditors conference the creditors written form of authorization .

    代理人出席债权人会议,应当向人民法院或者债权人会议主席 提交债权人的 授权 委托

  • Without prior written authorization by the board of directors in the form of a resolution the chairmen shall have no right to take any action that is binding on the JV Company or the board of directors .

    未经董事会事先以决议的形式 书面 授权,董事长无权单方面采取对合营公司或董事会有约束力的行动。

  • The act of giving a formal ( usually written ) authorization .

    给予正式 认可的行为(通常是 书面 形式)。