


  • The system WPAR has its own dedicated completely writable filesystems along with its own inetd and cron .

    系统WPAR具有自己的完全 的专用文件系统,并具有自己的inetd和cron。

  • Before using the external storage you must see if it is available and if it is writable .


  • These conflicts occur when a get operation tries to write over a writable file in your workspace .

    如果get操作试图写入工作区中的某一 文件,则会发生这样的冲突。

  • The pipe is readable by the user-space application and writable by the kernel side .


  • Failed to copy template . Verify that the source location is readable and that the target location is writable .


  • Value that indicates whether the underlying stream is writable .


  • You also need to make sure that the cache and images directories are writable since TCPDF will store temporary files there .

    您还需要确保缓存和图像目录是 写入的,因为TCPDF将在那里存储临时文件。

  • Represents an item that is not writable .

    表示不 的项。

  • A clone is a form of snapshot in which a snapshot is taken that is writable .

    克隆是一种快照形式,在其中获取 写入的快照。

  • With security enabled the default security level is for the persisted objects to be readable by the public and writable by the super user ( the newly created user ) .


  • The following code example checks to see whether the networkstream is writable .

    下面的代码示例检查 networkstream是否

  • After adding the lines and verifying that your output directory is writable restart your Web server .

    添加这几行代码并验证了输出目录是 的,然后重新启动Web服务器。

  • The folder ' % 1 ' is invalid . Please make sure the directory exists and is writable .


  • Some features left out are complete trigger support and writable views .

    不受支持的一些功能包括完全触发器支持和 视图。

  • This creates a private writable version of / usr and / opt .

    这将创建一个私有、 的/usr和/opt版本。

  • The open () system call determines whether the mapping is readable or writable .


  • Some of these files are writable ( by root ) and others are read-only .

    其中一些文件是 的(由根用户 ),其他 文件是只读的。

  • If you want to use the built-in theme editor all files need to be group writable .

    如果你想使用内置的外观主题编辑器,那么所有的文件都应是组 的。

  • WebDAV is also based on HTTP and enables the Web as a readable and writable resource .

    WebDAV也基于HTTP,且将Web作为一种可读 的资源加以启用。

  • You can use the transferTo () method to transfer bytes directly from the channel on which it is invoked to another writable byte channel without requiring data to flow through the application .

    可以使用transferTo()方法直接将字节从它被调用的通道上传输到另外一个 字节通道上,数据无需流经应用程序。

  • Character set sort order or collation cannot be changed because at least one database is not writable .

    无法更改字符集、排序次序或排序规则,因为至少有一个数据库不 写入

  • WPAR Manager now supports backing up of files in writable namefs-mounted non-AIX filesystems such as GPFS .

    WPARManager现在支持在 的通过 namefs挂装的非AIX文件系统(比如GPFS)中进行文件备份。

  • Requires that the returned domain controller be writable .


  • Indicates that session state is not writable .


  • The specified path is not available or writable .


  • All files should be owned by your user account and should be writable by you .

    你的用户应该拥有并且可以 编写所有的文件。

  • Assuming that / home / joe / stuff exists on the destination machine and is writable by you the two files and the directory are copied verbatim to the remote machine .

    假定目标计算机中存在/home/joe/stuff 目录,并且对您来说是 的,那么这两个文件和一个目录将完整地复制到远程计算机。

  • The current stream is not writable .


  • Each WPAR has its own dedicated writable file system .

    每个WPAR都具有它自己专门的 文件系统。

  • The local copy of the naming context is writable .

    命名上下文的本地副本是 的。