



  • Yet efforts by top athletes to wrest control away from the sports system have generally failed .

    不过,顶尖运动员 试图摆脱体育系统控制的努力通常都以失败告终。

  • You wrest my words out of their real meaning .


  • They tried to wrest control of the company from him .

    他们试图从他 手中 夺取对该公司的控制

  • Ultimately online payments could allow businesses to wrest more control of the payment value chain from banks .

    最终,在线支付可能让企业能够从银行 那里 夺得对支付价值链的更大控制

  • The farmers here have always had a struggle to wrest a living from the soil .

    这里的农民 总得经过一番奋斗才能从土地上勉强 维持生活。

  • They plotted to wrest power from the king .

    他们图谋 篡夺国王的权力。

  • General David Petraeus head of US Central Command has warned that horrific actions by the Taliban will meet the attempt by American Afghan and Canadian forces to wrest control of the province .

    美国中央司令部的首脑大卫?彼得雷乌斯将军警告说,美国,阿富汗,和加拿大的军事力量将尝试强行 夺取对全省的控制来应对塔利班的那种“令人发指的行径”。

  • My son is recovering now but I am still too close to his illness to understand fully what lessons I can learn what meaning I can wrest from this experience .

    我儿子现在正在恢复,但我仍很担心他的病情,以致于不完全知道从这次经历中我能吸取什么教训、得出什么 结论

  • Organized opposition to authority ; a conflict in which one faction tries to wrest control from another .

    有组织地反对权威;一个集团想从另一个集团 夺取控制的冲突。

  • For the past year he has been trying to wrest control from the central government

    一年来,他一直试图从中央政府 手中将控制 过来

  • He was attacked by a security man who tried to wrest away a gas cartridge .

    他遭到一名保安的袭击,那保安想 抢走一个气瓶。

  • Foreign investors are trying to wrest control of the firm from the family .

    外国投资者尽力从这个家族 手中 夺取对公司的控制

  • The rebels tried to wrest control of the town from government forces .

    反叛者企图从政府军 手中 夺取这个城镇的控制

  • Somali pirates warned yesterday they would kill the crew of a Chinese bulk carrier if the Chinese Navy attempts to wrest control of the vessel from them Reuters reported Monday .

    路透社周一报道:索马里海盗昨日发出警告说如果中国海军试图从他们 手里 夺回船只的掌控 ,他们将杀死一个散料 转运船上船员。

  • Still others believe Malak turned on Revan using the Jedi 's attack as an opportunity to wrest control from his former Master 's failing grip .

    还有的人认为马拉克背叛了瑞文,利用绝地的攻击作为一个机会来 夺取前师父失败的控制

  • China is beginning to wrest the nuclear export industry away from dominant Western suppliers .

    中国已经开始从占主导地位的西方供应商 手中 抢夺核出口行业。

  • He wrested the suitcase from the chauffeur

    他从司机 手里 过手提箱。

  • You were very brave to wrest the knife from the murderer .

    你们非常勇敢地从凶手 手里 下了那把刀。

  • In theory having elected politicians wrest power from the bureaucratic shadows ought to be a good thing .

    理论上,由选举产生的政客从尾大不掉的官僚体制 手中 夺回权力,应该是件好事。

  • The men had returned to wrest back power .

    这些人已经回来以图重新 夺取权力。

  • But developing countries led by China India and Brazil now have an opportunity if they can settle on a suitable nominee to wrest leadership from the West .

    但以中国、印度和巴西为首的发展中国家现在有了一个从西方 手中 夺取领导 的机会,如果它们能就推举一位合适的候选人达成 一致

  • I tried to wrest the gun from his hands .

    我试图把枪从他手中 过来

  • One of the hostages was foolhardy enough to try to wrest the gun from the hijacker 's hand .

    有一个人质莽撞地企图去 劫机者手中的枪。

  • Political leaders vowed to wrest back command of their destinies from out-of-control markets .

    各国首脑誓言,要从失控的市场 手中 夺回命运的主宰权。

  • Try as we would we could not wrest the secret from him .

    我们 尽管 想方设法也无法从他 那里 获得那个秘密。

  • With Wayne Rooney still suffering from a broken foot England 's dreams of success in Germany could wrest on Owen 's ability to hit the net .

    鲁尼依然受着脚伤的困扰,英格兰在德国成功的梦想可能要 希望于欧文的进球能力了。

  • Many Chinese web contributors have described Mr Chen as a traitor for trying to wrest Gome from Mr Huang and have accused him of selling out the nation and his former boss .

    中国的许多网络撰稿人将 陈晓描 成一个企图从黄光裕 手中 夺走国美的叛徒,指责他出卖了自己的国家与过去的老板。

  • I am going to wrest back my Twitter account and do it myself .

    我准备要回我的Twitter账号,亲自 打理

  • The bully tried to wrest the ball from the smaller boy 's hands .

    那个恃强凌弱的家伙企图从比他小的男孩手中 夺走皮球。