trial production

[ˈtraɪəl prəˈdʌkʃən][ˈtraiəl prəˈdʌkʃən]


  • Providing needed technical personnel for installing testing and trial production of the equipment as well as the technical personnel for production and inspecting ;

    提供需要的设备安装、调试以及 生产技术人员、生产和检验技术人员;

  • On the basis of the tests and the trial production some important problems are discussed on development of the in-situ leaching and some suggestions are presented .

    作者在几年试验和 生产基础上对开展原地浸出采矿的几个主要问题进行了论述,并提出了建设性意见。

  • There 's been no fresh news of their trial production of the new model since yesterday .

    自从昨天以来,一直没有关于这种新型号 生产的新消息。

  • The technology parameters are determined by experimental work and successful used in trial production .

    通过试验,最终确定了各项工艺参数,并在 生产中取得成功。

  • In the paper it is introduced the whole process of developing HRB400 hot rolled ribbed bars and the results of trial production .

    文中介绍了HRB400热轧带肋钢筋的整个开发过程,给出了 试制结果。

  • Trial production has shown that suggested technique is able to guarantee smooth operation of continuous casting for this steel and good quality of the product .


  • Provide technical documentation guiding commissioning trial production and performance test to the Buyer and on spot technical advice during the period

    向买方提供指导调试、 生产 生产 线考核的技术文件并在前述期间提供现场技术指导

  • Trial production of technical transformation project of silver smelting by converter in rare and precious metals plant of Daye Nonferrous Metals Company

    大冶有色金属公司稀贵厂转炉炼银技改工程的 生产

  • This paper just made a primary summarisation on some assues exposed in process design and trial production .

    本文仅对工艺设计及 生产中暴露出的一些问题进行初步分析总结。

  • Trial Production of Swine Chlamydia psittaci Inactivated Vaccine

    猪鹦鹉热衣原体流产灭活疫苗 生产 试验

  • After one and half year 's trial production the JV winded up in1999 because it was not capable of making steady and qualified disc technically .

    经过一年 生产,合资公司由于技术原因不能连续稳定地制造合格产品,1999年关闭。

  • Any time during the trial production period when the parties consider the performance of the production line is satisfactory the seller could ask for performance test by written application and shall be confirmed by the buyer .


  • Such performance could be conducted no more than 3 times within the trial production period .

    这种考核在 生产期间最多可以进行3次。

  • Objective To analysis the effect of three kind of different density paper of eradicating musca and provide the scientific basis to trial production of paper of eradicating musca .

    目的对三种不同浓度呋喃丹灭蝇纸灭蝇 试验的效果进行分析,为 试制灭蝇纸提供科学依据。

  • Industrial trial production of phosphorus-containing compound fertilizer by dry-process

    干法 生产含磷复肥工艺的工业性 试验

  • Linkages were established with several private meat and food processing industries with centre staff providing technical support and advice during installation of equipment and trial production .

    中心人员通过在设备安装和 生产阶段提供技术支持和咨询服务与一些私营肉品和食品加工企业建立了联系。

  • The development process including the pass design and trial production of 50 AT switch rail is introduced .

    本文介绍了50AT道岔钢轨的开发研制过程中孔型设计及 试制情况。

  • Woman : Did you do any trial production of the maps ?

    女:你对地图的 生产做过任何 实验么?

  • They proposed to get trial production rolling at once .

    他们建议立刻把 试验 生产搞起来。

  • It also provides all-out support for its clients in streamlining the processes of R & D sample application small-scale trial production and batch ordering for their low-cost operation .

    全力支持客户在研发设计、品申请、批量 试产及批量订单各流程的顺畅运行、之达到低成本的运营。

  • The trial production and the result of product detection indicate that the supporting pedestal formed by forging is feasible and the performance of product is stable .

    生产 试制及产品检测结果表明,支撑座锻造新工艺可行、产品性能稳定可靠。

  • Studies on the Preparation and Confirmation of Monoclonal Antibody Against Diethylstilbestrol and Trial Production of Its IAC Column And as it turned out eating one 's relatives was not the only way to contract them .

    己烯雌酚单克隆抗体制备与确证及其免疫亲和柱的 试制同时也证明,吃她们亲属的尸体也不是她们受感染的惟一途径。

  • The performance test shall be finished within the trial production period of 2 months after completion of hot commissioning of production line .

    验收时间:验收考核在机组热负荷试车结束后2个月的 生产时间内进行。

  • At the present the project has completed the laboratory work and expanded trial production .

    目前该项目完成了实验室工作与扩大 生产

  • More optimization shall be based on trial production condition .

    根据 生产情况进行进一步的优化。

  • Finally the product 's development and application were discussed and forecasted by means of trial production .

    通过 产品 试制,对夜光纤维后道产品的开发与应用进行了探讨和展望。

  • They succeeded in the trial production of a fast naval vessel named Sea Eagle .

    他们成功地 试制了一种名为“海鹰”的海军快艇。