


  • Screening of Triazophos Degrading Bacteria and Study on Its Degradation Characteristics


  • The Bioaccumulation Biotransformation of Aniline and Triazophos and Responses of Antioxidative Enzymes in Algae

    藻类对苯胺和 的积累、降解和抗氧化酶反应

  • The Influence of Triazophos Deposition on Rice Leaves by Adding Spray Adjuvants

    喷雾助剂对 在水稻叶片上沉积量的影响

  • The Study of Toxic Effect of Dimethoate and Triazophos on Tadpoles of Two Anuran Species

    乐果和 对两种无尾两栖类蝌蚪毒性作用的研究

  • Triazophos had significant effects on the activities of brain AChE of Monopterus albus in vivo .

    活体条件下 对黄鳝脑AChE活性有显著影响。

  • Acute toxicity of isofenphos-methyl and triazophos to 3 kinds or fresh water fish

    甲基异柳磷和 对几种淡水鱼的毒性比较

  • Field Trial of Abamectin · Triazophos 20 % EC Against Locust

    20%阿维· 乳油防治草地蝗虫田间药效试验

  • Probe on toxicity effect of triazophos on acetylcholinesterase activity in Chinese ocellated gudgeon ( Bostrichthys sinensis ) and application in environment assessment


  • Study on Residue Analysis Methods and Residue Dynamic of Triazophos in Orange


  • Study on Biodegradation of Triazophos by Three Species of Freshwater Algae

    3种淡水藻对 的降解研究

  • The abilities of Canna indica and Acorus calamus in removing organophosphate pesticides triazophos ( TAP ) from water were studied in hydroponics .

    本文研究了在水培条件下美人蕉(Cannaindica)和菖蒲(Acorus calamus)去除水体中有机磷农药 的作用。

  • Study on Toxicity and Safety Evaluation of Triazophos on Three Types of Non-target Organisms


  • Triazophos is extracted by acetone with a liquid / liquid method .

    用丙酮作为提取溶剂,采用液-液萃取法提取样品中的 ,经 净化浓缩后采用 检测器检测。

  • A Study on Residual Determination and Degradation of Triazophos in Different pH Water

    在水中消解和残留 动态研究

  • The residual determination and degradation of triazophos in pH5 、 pH7 、 pH9 water were reported .

    研究了 在水中的残留测定方法及 在pH5、pH7、pH9水中的消解动态。

  • In Gaochun and Suyu median level resistance have developed to triazophos other populations keep susceptible .

    高淳和宿豫种群对 为中等抗性,其它种群为敏感群体。

  • So the studies about the bioaccumulation the mechanism of biotransformation and biodegradation of aniline and triazophos in algae are important for evaluating the fate in environment and safety of ecology .

    因此研究藻类对苯胺, 的富集、降解转化机理,对于评价其环境归趋和生态安全性具有意义,并可为植物 修复 可行性 分析提供依据。

  • A series of results have been obtained on the respects of photochemical degradation kinetic behavior and the factors influencing them for triazophos in seawater .

    论文针对海水中 农药,对其光降解的反应情况、动力学及影响因素等方面进行研究,取得了一系列研究结果。

  • Study of Triazophos Toxic Effect on Monopterus Albus


  • Biomarker Changes on Rats after Feeding Raw Triazophos for 90 Days


  • A New Liquid Phase Microextraction and Its Application in Determining Residues of Aromatic Amines 、 Carbaryl and Triazophos Pesticides

    新型液相微萃取在环境基质中苯胺、西维因和 农药的残留分析应用

  • The results of host egg exposure showed that imidacloprid triazophos fipronil and chlorpyrifos were all badly detrimental to adult survival parasitism capacity ( F0 ) and adult emergence ( F1 ) .

    采用卵卡浸渍法测定药剂对稻螟赤眼蜂成蜂影响的结果表明,吡虫啉、 、氟虫腈、毒死蜱能显著影响F0代成蜂存活、寄生及F1代成蜂羽化。

  • Study on Residue of Triazophos in Citrus and Soil


  • Effect of Different Factors on the Stability of the Triazophos EC

    不同影响因子对 乳油稳定性的影响

  • Treatment of triazophos pesticide wastewater by Fenton reaction

    Fenton反应处理 农药废水

  • Determination of residue of triazophos pesticide in aquiculture products by capillary gas chromatography

    气相色谱- 检测法测定养殖水产品中 的残留量

  • A method for determination of Triazophos by GC with capillary column and FID detector was introduced .

    本文以 农药为例,实验了石英毛细管色谱柱在 农药分析中的应用,为 农药分析方法的开发和研究提供新的 指导

  • Analysis for Phoxim + Triazophos 20 % EC by HPLC

    20%辛硫· 乳油的高效液相色谱分析