


  • The triboelectricity method for on line real time measuring mass concentration of the gas solid multiphase flow is described .

    研究了一种气固两相流质量浓度在线实时检测的测量方法 & 摩擦 电法

  • Secondly PET has a great resistivity triboelectricity voltage and long time of electrostatic half life ; it can bring electrostatic charge easily to the membrane and fibre influence badly to application and manufacture progress .

    其次是PET的 静电问题由于PET的比电阻 较高摩擦电压大、极容易产生静电,而且静电半衰期长,在 作为涤纶纤维和薄膜使用时,严重影响其加工性能和使用性能。

  • Measuring mass concentration of gas-solid multiphase flow by triboelectricity

    相气固两相流质量浓度 摩擦 电法测量 研究