This is a simple and direct and more usual new trial-and-error method avoided to adopt average parameters .
这是一种新的、较惯用的 试错 法,简单、直接,避免了采用平均参数。
This paper proposes an excellent algorithm for NC linear interpolation on the basis of trial-and-error method .
在 逐 点 比较 法的基础上,提出一种数控直线插补的优化算法。
Traditionally the cure cycle was gained by trial-and-error the model optimization or the on-line monitoring method however they were either not adapt to varied environment or high cost and operation difficultly .
以往固化 制度的确定是采用 试 凑 法、建模优化或在线监控的 方法,然而它们不是对变化的环境适应性差就是成本太高且不易操作。
Edison because he was the first to make these experiments had to learn many times by the trial-and-error method .
因为 爱迪生是第一个进行这种实验的人,他不得不通过 实验 - 失败 的 办法学习很多次。
A new algorithm for linear interpolation is presented based on trial-and-error method and least error method .
在 逐 点 比较 法和最小偏差法基础上提出了一种新的直线插补算法。
This algorithm establishment in the human vision model foundation after the experimental contrast uses the optimized coefficient trial-and-error method gives dual attention to the invisibility which hidden writes hidden writes the capacity .
该算法建立在人类视觉模型的基础上,经实验对比,采用最优化系数 选择 法,算法兼顾不可见性、隐写容量。
RL gets optimal policy through trial-and-error and interaction with environment . As an unsupervised learning method RL learns directly from the feedback of environment which enable the system with RL to learn online and be adaptive to the varying environment .
强化学习通过 试错和与环境交互获得策略的改进,作为一种无监督学习 方法,它直接从环境反馈中进行学习,这种特点使它能够适应变化的环境。
Determination of laser absorptivity of metal by numerical calculation technique and trial-and-error method
用数值计算技术和 试错 法确定金属材料表面对激光的吸收率
In light of well test principle and by combining with relative permeability data the critical water saturation in gas well may be acquired through iterative trial-and-error method thus the gas saturation and effective thickness in gas well can be determined .
采用试井原理并结合相对渗透率资料,通过迭代 试 差 法可求取气井临界水饱和度,进而确定气井含气饱和度与有效厚度。
Image matching based on swarm intelligence optimization algorithm especially particle swarm algorithm and genetic algorithm are described in detail . Commonly traditional image matching methods adopt complete trial-and-error method to search the best matching .
重点是基于群体智能算法的图像匹配方法&基于粒子群算法的图像匹配方法和基于遗传算法的图像匹配方法。在传统图像匹配方法,一般采用 遍历寻优 法。
As it does not need to establish an environmental model for reinforcement learning method it can improve learning effectiveness through trial-and-error method and interaction of around environments .
而增强式学习方法无需建立环境模型,它通过 试错与环境交互来 获得 策略的改进和完善,使其 成为 机器人学习技术的一个重要方向。
The algorithm can recognize the excellence and worseness of different processing route by trial-and-error method .
算法利用 试错,区分加工路线的优劣。
Stage trial-and-error method and its application to reservoir operation for flood control
水库防洪调度 分段 试算 法及应用
An improved PID control strategy is designed and the PID parameters are tuned by using the trial-and-error method . 5 .
设计了一种改进的PID控制策略,用 试 凑 法整定了PID参数。
The trial-and-error method is used to simulate the resistivity record from logging data and then the true formation resistivity is obtained by inversion .
介绍了根据 按 时间记录的电阻率测井响应,利用 试错 法对测井响应进行模拟计算,从而反推得到 原状地层的真电阻率的方法.该 方法为低电阻油气层的 识别提供了 可靠的依据。
Trial-and-Error Method in Thinking Experiment : Hypotheses and Refutation in Jurisprudential Studies
思想实验中的 试错:法理学研究 方法中的猜想与反驳