The full-overlapped triangular normal subordinate function has been adopted as the input variable in the type fuzzy controller and the PID expressions is selected in the rule consequences . The TS-PID fuzzy controller is investigated to be a class of nonlinear PID controllers in essence .
该类模糊控制器的输入变量采用正规模糊集、 三角形全交迭隶属度函数, 规则后件采用PID表达式,其本质为一种非线性PID控制器。
The author proposes a 3D triangular mesh simplification algorithm with the method of vertex culling which is based on the rule of vector angle .
提出以顶点向量夹角为剔除 准则,运用顶点去除方法进行 网格简化的算法。
Importing the geometry character of the triangular mode by the right-hand rule ;
对 圆形 区域 法进行改进,以右手螺旋 法则 构造 三角形模式的几何特征;
美[traɪˈæŋɡjəlɚ rul]英[traɪˈæŋgjələ ru:l]