Based on the scientific assumption the trialism of Chinese herbal nature effect and substance of the four natures of TCM the substantial basis of the TCM treatment of cold heat syndrome should be the integral coordination function of all the chemical constituents of the TCM .
基于中药四性性 -效-物质 三 元论科学假说, 认为中药 调治 寒热二证的物质基础应是组成中药的所有化学成分的整体协同作用。
The trialism of science technology and engineering puts forward provides the logic premise and foundation for establishing the philosophy of engineering .
科学、技术、工程 三 元 论的提出,为工程哲学的建立奠定了逻辑前提和基础。
We should keep going recover wetland ecosystem and optimize wetland landscape through reasonable landscape plan and construction of park . ( 2 ) This theories introduce the Trialism into landscape planning of wetland park with theory system of precursor and basic theory of Trialism .
迫切需要通过合理的景观规划与公园的建设,使湿地生态系统进一步恢复, 湿地景观进一步完善。
On this basic the chapter makes clear the relations among the trialism theory on the perspective of corporate governance mode eclectic theory of nature and publicity level .
在此基础上,从公司治理模式、公司本质折衷理论与公共性程度等角度阐述公司 本质 三 元论之间的关系。