


  • Most of the wreckage from the 1985 quake has been cleared .

    1985年地震 遗留 废墟大部分已经被清理干净。

  • She was pinned under the wreckage of the car .

    她被卡在了汽车 残骸下。

  • They helped free the injured driver from the wreckage .

    他们帮忙把受伤的司机从汽车 残骸 出来

  • Firefighters took two hours to release the driver from the wreckage .

    消防员花了两个小时将司机从汽车 残骸 出来

  • The debris of something wrecked . Pieces of the wreckage were washed ashore .

    残骸失事船舶物品的 碎片 遇难 船只 残骸已冲到了岸上。

  • We will now try to reassemble pieces of the wreckage

    我们现在会尽量把 残骸重新组合起来。

  • For three weeks a big operation went on to recover the wreckage from the sea bed .

    打捞海底 残骸这一浩大工程持续了三周。

  • Fire fighters later found the wreckage of the plane on a mountain path north of lisbon .

    消防人员随后在里斯本北方的一条山路上发现 飞机 残骸

  • Police officers have continued to sift through the wreckage following yesterday 's bomb attack

    警察继续仔细检查昨天炸弹袭击后 留下 残骸

  • Mark was dragged from the burning wreckage of his car .

    马克被人从他着火的汽车 残骸 拉了出来。

  • The magician survived but he found himself adrift on a piece of wreckage with the bird .

    魔术师幸免于难,但却发现自己和这只鹦鹉漂浮在同一块 残骸上。

  • Rescuers continue to dig through the wreckage looking for survivors .

    救援人员继续从 残骸 挖掘寻找幸存者。

  • Our skills were vital in looking for people inside the wreckage .

    我们的技术对于寻找 沉船中的人非常关键。

  • Three people died as wreckage blazed and rescuers fought to release trapped drivers

    汽车 残骸熊熊燃烧,三人葬身火海,救援人员奋力解救被困的司机们。

  • Pull timber out of the wreckage indiscriminately or you may cause further collapse .

    随意拔出 废墟 的木料,这可能会引起再次崩塌。

  • You are pulled from the wreckage of your silent reverie .

    你沉浸在你安静的幻想的 残骸

  • Pieces of the wreckage were washed ashore .

    遇难 船只 残骸已冲到了岸上。

  • Or can they salvage something from the wreckage ?

    抑或他们能够从 残骸中抢救出什么东西?

  • New states were born out of the wreckage of old colonial empires .

    新生国家从老殖民帝国的 废墟 诞生。

  • He told me the reason he pulled me out of the wreckage .

    他告诉我当时将我从 汽车 残骸中拉出来的原因。

  • For a few hours a single candle burned upon the wreckage .

    数个小时的单一的蜡烛,蜡烛在 残骸

  • A Naval Oceanographic Research Ship located the wreckage .

    一艘海军的海洋调查船找到了那艘船的 残骸

  • Firemen extricated him from the wreckage .

    消防队员把他从 废墟 出来

  • I found these in the wreckage and I have no use for them personally .

    我在 废墟 找到的,但是我自己用不上。

  • I walked along the wing and then just ran 20 or 30 yards away from the wreckage .

    我沿着机翼向前走,然后一口气跑到了离 飞机 残骸二三十码的地方。

  • The investigators studied flight recorders salvaged from the wreckage .

    调查者研究了从飞机 残骸中找到的黑匣子。

  • It 's broken he said some what superfluously surveying the wreckage of the chair .

    坏了,他一边查看椅子的 残骸一边多少有些多余地说。

  • Opti the Mystic had been born in that bomber 's wreckage .

    于是,在轰炸机的 残骸 ,一个老乐天诞生了。

  • His leg was broken and he was trapped in his seat for nearly an hour by metal wreckage .

    他的腿受伤了,他被一块金属 碎片困在了座位上大概一个小时。

  • They were all underneath the wreckage and they were all dead .

    他们都被困在 废墟 下面,他们都死了。