transient oscillation

[ˈtrænʃənt ˌɑsəˈleʃən][ˈtrænziənt ˌɔsəˈleɪʃən]


  • In this paper two new detection methods are proposed to detect the transient oscillation and the voltage fluctuation .

    振荡 与电压波动这两种电能质量现象提出了新的检测方法。

  • Transient Solution of Strongly Nonlinear Excited Oscillation Problem

    强非线性自激 振动问题的 瞬态

  • But an asymptotic stable system is likely to have some bad transient performance and will cause some bad effects ; these will not meet the requirements of industrial production such as the overshoot amount is too large and the maximum overshoot or oscillation sharp occurs .

    然后,一个渐近稳定的系统,可能具有比较坏的 暂态性能,从而造成很坏的影响,无法满足工业生产要求,如超调量过大, 振荡剧烈超调量或者系统本身含有饱和非线性。

  • Transient Response and Oscillation Operation of Benzene Oxidation on Catalyst V_2O_5

    苯在V2O5催化剂上氧化反应的 瞬态响应和 振荡 特性

  • We also find that there is a transient oscillation with period ta within the bistable region .

    还发现在双稳区内存在一种周期为tR的 暂态 振荡

  • Damage severity of low frequency oscillation has exceeded that of transient stability and low frequency oscillation has been the main concern which affects safe and stable operation in modern power system .

    现代互联电力系统中,低频 振荡危害的严重性已经超过 暂态稳定性,成为影响系统安全稳定运行的首要因素。

  • Transient and time-averaged oscillatory heat transfer of two-phase flow during second regional pressure-drop oscillation in helical coiled tube

    螺旋管内汽液两相流第二区压力降 脉动 瞬态及时均传热规律

  • Installing the FSC ( Fixed series capacitor ) and TCSC ( Thyristor controlled series capacitor ) is an effective way to improve the transient stability and suppress the oscillation of power system .

    安装固定串补和可控串 是提高 系统稳定性和灵活调节潮流的有效方法。

  • By measuring parameters under transient conditions and steady conditions the stimulation of combustion noise mechanism by dynamic load and high-frequency pressure oscillation under transient conditions of DI diesel engine was stu - ( died ) in detail .

    通过测量 瞬态工况与稳态工况燃烧噪声的各种影响参数,研究气体动力载荷及燃烧压力高频 振荡对燃烧噪声的影响机理。

  • Then the thesis introduces the linear model of MOV and the electromechanical transient models of TCSC which include linear model combining improving transient stabilization section and suppressing low frequency oscillation section automatic switchover model based on energy function method .

    然后提出了可控串补的机电暂态模型,包括提高 暂态稳定控制环节与抑制低频 振荡环节相结合的线性化模型、基于能量函数法的自动切换模型和MOV的线性化模型。

  • As a novel method for electrical network control TCSC can be applied in power system transient stability enhancement power system oscillation damping subsynchronous resonance ( SSR ) mitigation and load flow control .

    除了具有常规串联补偿技术的优点之外,TCSC可以用于电力系统 暂态稳定控制、阻尼功率 振荡控制、SSR抑制以及动态潮流控制等。

  • The simulations of load switching and capacitor charging show that the proposed method can quickly and effectively class the impulse transient and oscillation transient disturbances .

    系统负荷投切和电容器充电的仿真结果表明,该方法能快速有效地区分 暂态脉冲和 振荡暂态。

  • The Measuring of Transient Oscillation Frequency by Microcomputer

    用微机测量 间歇 振荡频率

  • Also introduces excitation characteristic curves generator no load and load staggering measurement by micro computor based multi function testing instrument for calculating excitation control system static and transient gains and the influence of power system stabilizer on damping low frequency oscillation .

    介绍了采用微机型多功能测试仪测试励磁特性曲线、发电机空载和负载阶跃响应等,从而计算励磁控制系统稳态和 暂态增益,以及电力系统稳定器对阻尼低频 振荡的影响。

  • Simulation and analysis show that the H_ ∞ controller improves not only the transient stability of power system but also the character for damped low-frequency oscillation .

    仿真及分析表明,所设计的汽门开度的H∞控制方法不仅能提高电力系统的 暂态稳定,并且能抑制低频 振荡,改善 动态品质。

  • Transient disturbances including transient oscillation and transient pulses .

    高频暂态扰动,包括 暂态 振荡和暂态脉冲等。

  • Transient oscillation is a common power quality problems but because of its short-term rather neglected .

    暂态 振荡是一种常见的电能质量问题,但由于它的短时性而被人忽视。

  • Many studies on thyristor_controlled series compensation ( TCSC ) have already been reported . Transient stability enhancement and power oscillation damping are two functions of TCSC .

    关于可控硅控制串联补偿器(TCSC)的研究已被大量进行,TCSC的两个主要功能就是提高 暂态稳定性和阻尼系统 振荡

  • The simulation results show that the transient energy minimization control method for UPFC based on local measurable parameters is effective fordamping power system interarea oscillation .

    仿真计算结果表明,这种基于本地可测量参数的UPFC 暂态能量最小控制方法对抑制系统区域间 振荡是有效的。

  • Transient and time averaged heat transfer characteristics of pressure drop oscillation in horizontal helically coiled tube

    卧式螺旋管压力降 脉动 瞬态及时均传热特性研究

  • In multi-machine case the machine can produce disturbed by the superposition of the impact of transient oscillation and continuous oscillation significantly .

    在多机情况下,各机的扰动经叠加也可产生 瞬时 大幅冲击 振荡和持续振荡。

  • Prony Analysis for Identification of Transient Oscillation and Harmonics

    电力 系统 振荡与谐波扰动识别的prony分析法

  • Study on transient energy around power system oscillation center

    电力系统 振荡中心的 暂态能量解析

  • Based on the obtained magnitude characteristic of the signal and the morphologic gradient of the differential signal five kinds of dynamic power quality disturbances i.e. voltage sag voltage swell voltage interruption transient pulse and oscillation can be classified .

    基于已得到的幅值特性和形态梯度可对五种动态电能质量扰动(电压暂降、暂升、中断、 暂态脉冲和 振荡)进行分类。

  • The response acceleration and its maximum of a package with SDOF have been calculated accord - ing to the transient oscillation theory and response reiterative effects under impetus of repetitive shocks .

    根据 瞬态 振动理论和重复冲击下响应迭加效应,计算单自由度包装件的响应加速度及其最大值。

  • A numerical study of the transient behavior including upper level ions and laser power relaxation oscillation of Ho 3 + : ZBLAN fiber laser is presented based on the propagation_rate equations .

    基于传输速率方程,对Ho3+: ZBLAN光纤激光器的动态特性&上能级粒子数以及输出激光功率的弛豫 振荡特性进行了数值分析。

  • Now with the development of industrial civilization the degree of automation and various electronic devices more sensitive to the power users have higher requirements for power quality transient oscillation problem more and more people concern .

    如今,随着工业文明的发展,自动化程度的提高,各种电子设备的更加敏感,电力用户对电能质量有了更高的要求, 暂态 振荡问题也越来越受到人们所关注。

  • A Graphical Analysis of the Almost Sinusoidal Transient Free Oscillation in a Nonlinear Automatic control System by the Method of Logarithmic Characteristics

    非线性自动调整系统近于正弦自 振荡 过渡 过程的对数分析法