Efficacy of drainage through cranial trephination combined with craniotomy and hematoma removal and decompression by removal of cranial bone flaps in treatment of severe cranio-cerebral injury combined with bilateral cerebral hernias : report of 150 cases
锥 颅 碎 吸 术联合开颅血肿清除术及去骨瓣减压术在重型颅脑损伤并双侧脑疝患者中的应用价值
MRI guided stereotactic cranial trephination for the removel of the lesion in eloquent brain
MRI引导立体定向 开颅 切除脑功能区病灶
Objective : To investigate the therapy method and effect with trephination and drainage for acute epidural hematoma .
目的:探讨 钻孔引流治疗硬膜外血肿的方法及效果。
The operation of trephination of the skull is one of the oldest in the annals of surgery .
在外科历史上早就有颅骨 钻孔 术。
Methods : CT scan or exploratory trephination was carried out for the disease of acute brain injury getting progressively worse .
方法:急性颅脑损伤经治疗( 包括 术中、 术后)病情 无改善而恶化者行头颅CT检查或 钻 颅探查。
Clinical Analysis of 86 Patients wih Trephination and Drainage for Treatment of Acute Epidural Hematoma
Effect of Trephination on Corneal Endothelium in Cutting Edge
钻 取 方法对角膜切缘内皮细胞的影响
Methods : After anterior trephination osteotomy and decompression long auto bone graft was obtained from the ilium and was grafted under traction .
方法:采用前路 环锯截骨、长 窗减压,在牵引下植入自体长条 形髂骨。