Judicium Dei or trial by ordeal is a widespread legal procedure in medieval European .
神 判 法是中世纪前期欧洲流行的司法 审判程序。
At the oral cultural background of no written words or paying little attention to the written words the Oral African Law pays much attention to oral procedure on the presentation form stresses on external ceremony hands down oath and trial by ordeal .
在无文字或不注重文字的口头文化背景下,口头法在表现形式上重口头程序,强调外在仪式,流传誓言与 神 判。
Study on the Trial by Ordeal in Medieval Europe
中世纪欧洲 神 判 法 的 历史考察
美[ˈtraɪəl baɪ ɔrˈdil]英[ˈtraiəl bai ɔ:ˈdi:l]