trial stage

[ˈtraɪəl stedʒ][ˈtraiəl steidʒ]

[法] 审判阶段

  • It have developed many design practices and successful cases in foreign countries but still in the learning and trial stage in the domestic .

    健康工业设计(HID)是当今世界设计流行趋势之一,在国外已有较多的设计实践和成功案例,但在国内尚处于学习和 尝试 阶段

  • Oral confession gain in the middle of criminal prosecution main origin to three stages : the first detection stage ; the second examination prosecution stage ; the third trial stage .

    口供的获取在刑事诉讼当中主要来源于三个阶段:一是侦查阶段;二是审查起诉阶段;三是 审判 阶段

  • The formation of international competition strategy of Hongta Group is presently on its trial stage .

    红塔集团构架国际化竞争战略目前还是一种 尝试

  • The idea that the criminal reconciliation can be applied at prosecution examination stage and the trial stage has been accepted both in theory and practice .

    对于在审查起诉阶段和 审判 阶段适用刑事和解在理论界和实务上基本已达成一致。

  • Through self-mediation judicial mediation and the way people adjust criminal mediation in the investigation stage the prosecution stage trial stage and the execution phase of the practice of restorative justice practice is one of the paths .

    通过自行调解、司法调解以及人民调节的方式,刑事调解在侦查阶段、起诉阶段、 审判 阶段以及行刑阶段的实践过程也是恢复性司法实践的路径之一。

  • Matters accounting is the new areas of accounting theory to explore in recent years . But the research for matters accounting still remain in the theoretical and trial stage .

    事项会计是近年来会计理论探索的新领域,对于事项会计的研究还停留在理论探索和 试用 阶段

  • The theories and products of 3D GIS are still in the trial stage .

    3DGIS的理论与产品都尚处于探讨和 实验 阶段

  • At present the system has been tested and is under trial stage .

    目前,该系统已经测试,处于 试用 阶段

  • Judge act that is the court and judicial officers to act in the trial stage is the basis and prerequisite for the formation of referees . Referee act is a continuation and extension of the trial conduct .

    审理行为是法院及司法人员在 审理 阶段作出的行为,是形成裁判的基础和前提;裁判行为则是法院及司法人员在裁判 阶段的行为,是审理行为的继续和延伸。

  • Objective To assess clinical efficacy and quality of life ( QOL ) for patients of type 2 diabetes treated with controlled-release-gliclazide as compared with those with ordinary gliclazide tablets in a randomized controlled clinical trial stage ⅱ .

    目的对Ⅱ 随机对照临床 试验中应用格列齐特控释片和格列齐特普通片治疗2型糖尿病的临床疗效和生存质量进行比较。

  • The research on multi-reference point pairs fusion method for minutiae based fingerprint matching is still in the trial stage .

    多参考点对融合的细节点匹配算法的研究目前还处于 尝试 阶段

  • The split share structure reform can be divided into two stages one is the trial stage of the reform the other is the comprehensive reform stage .

    股权分置改革可以分为两个阶段,一个是股权分置改革 试点 阶段,另一个是全面股权分置改革阶段。

  • Currently several EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors are in clinical trial stage .

    目前,已有几种EGFR酪氨酸激酶抑制剂 进入了临床 试验。本文对几种 EGFR酪氨酸激酶小分子抑制剂在肿瘤治疗中的研究进展做一综述。

  • All four companies ' heart-failure devices are still at the trial stage .

    这四个公司的监测心脏衰竭装置仍都处在 试验 阶段

  • Stage 9 of the Tour of Spain consisted of a time trial stage the riders were tested over a 40 kilometre flat run .

    环西班牙自行车赛第9 赛段包括一段计时 ,选手们需要经受一个40多公里的平地赛的考验。

  • The doctrine of no punishment for doubtful case of crime not only applies to the trial stage but also the investigation stage and prosecution stage but the validity is different .

    疑罪从无原则不仅适用于 审判 阶段,也适用于侦查和起诉阶段,但效力不同。

  • Criminal procedure equality is prescribed in many an international convention which may be found in investigation prosecution and trial stage . The prescription about equality inevitably exerts influence on our country .

    刑事诉讼平等在一系列国际公约中皆有规定,可以表现在侦查、起诉和 审判阶段,必将对我国产生影响。

  • And shall establish the stage prosecution stage among trial stage for recording material censorship and with the corresponding strict legal responsibility .

    以及应当建立的批捕阶段、起诉阶段、 审判 阶段对录制资料的审查制度和与之相对应的严格的法律责任。

  • At present the product has entered Phase III clinical trial stage China is also under study .

    目前国际上已有产品进入三期临床 试验 阶段,中国也正在研究中。

  • The governmental purchase of our army is on trial stage presently .

    目前,我军的政府采购 处于 试点 摸索

  • Newly research regarding the criminal trial stage examination weight redeploys is urgent .

    对于刑事 审判 阶段的检察权重新进行配置已是刻不容缓。

  • According to the project management process of product development the project can be divided into the following phases : phase of the project product design verification stage batch trial stage and mass production stage .

    根据产品开发项目管理流程,可分为以下阶段:项目立项阶段,产品设计验证阶段、小批量 试制 阶段和量产阶段。

  • At the same time whether before or at the trial stage custody trial applies almost entirely according to pay for the activities of criminal prosecution without forming a separate closed judicial control system .

    同时,无论在审判之前还是 审判 阶段,羁押的适用几乎完全依付于刑事追诉活动,而没有形成独立、封闭的司法控制系统。

  • How to effectively carry out the education technology training of secondary vocational schools teacher is one of the hot and difficult problems and is still at the exploratory trial stage .

    开展中职教师教育技术培训是中职教师能力建设的热点和难点问题之一,如何有效开展中职教师教育技术培训仍处于探索 尝试 阶段

  • Relatively government Public Service Reform in China started late the purchasing public service is still in the initial trial stage . The academic research not much .

    我国政府公共服务体制改革起步比较晚,尤其是在构建县级政府购买公共服务模式方面,仍处于初步 尝试 阶段,因此学术界对其深入研究不多。

  • The administrative review application and acceptance into the program phase the trial stage and the decision to stage three parts are discussed .

    本章将行政复议程序分为申请和受理阶段、 审理 阶段以及决定阶段三个部分分别进行论述。

  • This system has been running into the trial stage . By the verification of user the system has achieved the function of CI and NCC / BCC automatic planning and has received the high favorable comments from Beijing Mobile .

    该系统已经进入 运行 阶段,经过验证实现了CI与NCC/BCC的自动规划功能,较好的提高了北京移动规划人员的工作效率,得到了用户北京移动的高度好评。

  • The collection of evidence is the mandate of the investigation stage and judging evidence is the task of the trial stage .

    其中,收集证据是侦查阶段的任务,而对证据的审查判断和认定则是 审判 阶段的任务。