year by year

[jɪr baɪ jɪr][jə: bai jə:]


  • Chinese growth underpinned the global economy in the wake of the financial crisis but it has been slowing year by year since 2011 affecting everything from the price of iron ore to global sales of luxury goods .

    中国的增长曾在金融危机后支撑了全球经济,但自2011年以来 逐年放缓,影响了从国际铁矿石价格到全球奢侈品销售的很多领域。

  • A year ago the debt was supposed to glide down to zero by the 2070s . This year 's long-run projection for 2076 is above 200 % .

    前,预计本世纪70年代前债务将降为零。 今年对2076 的长期预测为200%以上。

  • The department has been shrinking year by year because of budget cuts .

    这个部门因为预算削减而 逐年萎缩。

  • Since production has risen steadily the personal income of the commune members has increased year by year .

    由于生产不断发展,社员们收入 逐年增加。

  • Year by year their affection for each other grew stronger .

    他们的爱情 逐年加深。

  • The living standards of the people rise year by year .

    人民生活水平 逐年提高。

  • The situation is getting better year by year .

    光景 强如

  • It is also an example of how we are upgrading our amenities and environment as Singapore develops year by year .

    随着国家的发展,我们也一 步步改善我们的环境和设施,翻新 战备军协俱乐部是其中一个例子。

  • Year by year hard work took away his health .

    年年 过去了,辛苦的工作消耗了他的健康。

  • For the law having a shadow of good things to come and not the very image of the things can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers thereunto perfect .

    律法既是将来美事的影儿,不是本物的真像,总不能 每年常献一样的祭物,叫那近前来的人得以完全。

  • Year by year we grow a little older .

    我们 逐年变老。

  • The amount of new technical information is doubling every 2 years for students starting a 4 year technical degree this means that half of what they learn in their first year of study will be outdated by their third year of study .

    新科技的资讯量每2年就增长一倍,这对于4年制理工学生的意义是,一 年级时学的知识有一半到 年级就过时了。

  • If all goes well the first crew would set off for the moon by2018-or2020 at the latest the year targeted by President Bush who proposed such an initiative last year .

    如果一切进展顺利,第一批宇航员将于2018 飞向月球,最迟不超过 2020 ,这是布什总统 去年最早提出的想法。

  • This problem has increased year by year

    这个问题 严重

  • If you have a deficit of 100 calories every day for a year – either by eating less or exercising more – you can lose 5 kilograms in a year .

    如此看来,假定你每天少摄入100大卡 热量,或少吃,或多动,坚持一 就能减掉5公斤体重。

  • Suppose the company can ramp up its roughly $ 1.4 billion of earnings last year by 50 % this year and next .

    阿里巴巴 去年净利润约为14亿美元,我们假设这家公司在 两年都能保持 50%的涨幅。

  • Year by year Edward hardly spoke with his tongue .

    年年 过去了,爱德华几乎不能用舌头说话了。

  • Year by year great swathes of this small nation 's countryside disappear .

    年复一年,这个小国家的乡村面积正在 片片地大量消失。

  • Year by year a few of these slang terms prove so useful that they graduate into respectable society .


  • Year by year century by century English has grown and changed .

    英语已 个世纪 个世纪地有所发展,有所变化。

  • Life has been getting better year by year .

    日子 胜似

  • The world economic aggregate is increasing year by year .

    全球经济活动总量是 年年的递增。

  • In the yards the apple trees keep hanging on but the fruit grows smaller year by year .

    院子里的苹果树一直都有结果,只是果子 小。

  • Chinese demand grew by 33 percent last year and by an additional 20 percent this year pushing consumption to over 6 million barrels a day .

    中国需求 去年增长33%, 今年还要再增加20%,使得消耗量每天超过600万桶。

  • In cities 80 percent of kids go to college . But they are facing an aging China with a population above 65 years old coming up with seven-point-some percent this year and about to be 15 percent by the year of 2030 .

    在城市中,80%的孩子可以上大学,但他们将要面对的是一个,有接近7%的人口都是老年人的社会,这个数字在 2030 会增长到15%。

  • The output is increasing year by year . ; Production has been increasing year after year .

    产量 逐年上升。