If a small company loses its working capital facility it can collapse fast .
如果一家小公司失去了 营运 资金贷款,它很快就会破产。
Adjustment of advances to working capital and collections ;
预缴 周转 基金款项调整数和实收数;
Sectors such as Supermarkets generate cash from Working Capital as they grow but most sectors consume cash as they grow to fund inventory and receivables .
像超市这样的行业在其成长过程中会从其 流动 资本中产生现金,但大多数行业在其成长过程中都需要消耗现金,来为库存和应收收益提供支撑。
We have the following systems to help us monitor our working capital flow .
我们采用以下措施来监察我们的 流动 资金周转。
You mean you need our bank to offer you a loan for working capital ?
您是说您要我们银行提供 流动 资金贷款?
Regulators reminded banks working capital loans must not be used to finance capital investment or equity stakes .
银监会提醒银行, 流动 资金贷款不能用于资本投资或股权投资。
Moreover growth usually takes working capital meaning a reduced cash surplus for distribution .
另外,增长通常要占用 营运 资金,这意味着用于分配的现金盈余将减少。
And we may offer you a loan for working capital in five days .
或许5天之内就可以给您提供 流动 资金贷款。
Remember that EBITDA is similar to pre capex pre working capital cash generation .
请记住,EBITDA类似于先期的资本性支出、先期的 流动 资本现金投入。
Topics include working capital management and financial statement analysis .
主题包括 营运 资金的管理及财务报表分析。
Poor communication and supply chain design also adds to cost risk and working capital in export supply chains .
不佳的沟通及供应链设计也加了成本、风险和 运营 资金。
We have some commercial loans available that might give you the working capital you need .
我们有一些商业贷款可以为你提供您所需要的 流动 资金。
Zhang Xin said Chinese developers had little access to bank financing beyond very short-term loans for working capital .
张欣表示,除了极短期的 营运 资金贷款外,中国开发商很难获得银行融资。
However importers like consignment because it reduces their risk and requires no additional working capital .
然而,进口商们喜欢寄售的做法,因为寄售可以减少他们的风险,而且无须占用太多的 流动 资金。
They are having to borrow more to refinance maturing debt service existing debt and replenish working capital .
它们不得不更多地举债,以偿还到期债务、支付现有债务的利息和充实 运营 资金。
He is talking to his banker Bart Jones about a working capital loan .
他正在和他的银行家 巴特·琼斯谈论有关 流动 资金贷款事宜。
Burmese traders also confront onerous paperwork and working capital requirements to trade .
缅甸交易商对繁冗的文件和贸易 运营 资本要求也十分抵触。
Study on Working Capital Management of Real Estate Enterprises Based on the Theory of Channels
基于渠道理论的房地产开发企业 营运 资金管理研究
That way it will be there when you need some working capital .
这样将有当你需要一些 周转 资金。
Empirical research into structure of working capital and enterprise performance of the listed real estate companies
房地产上市公司 营运 资金结构与企业绩效相关性的实证研究
The Research of Cash and Working Capital Management Efficiency for China 's Listed Manufacturing Companies
我国制造业上市公司现金和 营运 资本管理效率研究
What is your actual working capital budget ?
你实际的 周转 资金预算是怎样的?
The Empirical Analysis on the Working Capital Policy and Its Profitability of Chinese Industrial Companies
我国工业企业 营运 资本政策及其盈利能力的实证分析
But it seems we 're short of working capital .
我们好像不大 够 现金了。
The Empirical Research of the Relationship between Working Capital Management and Long-term Debt
营运 资金管理与长期债务间相关性的实证研究
Working capital not in cash form i.e.receivables and inventories .
非现金形式的 流动 资金,如应收款和库存。
A growing company often needs cash for working capital and to purchase raw materials and equipment .
成长中的公司经常需要 周转 资金,购买原材料和设备。
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