We used these results along with estimates from nationally representative survey data on the prevalence of the various harmful workplace conditions in the working population to build a model that estimated aggregate mortality from these conditions .
我们利用这些结果,并结合具有全国代表性的调查数据,创建了一个模型,用于估算各种有害 工作场所造成的死亡 人数总和。
I believe more than one-third of the working population has been floating around the country .
我认为三分之一以上的 劳动 人口在国内流动。
She 's a part of the working population of this country just the same as you .
她同你一样是这个国家 就业 人口中的一分子。
2009-12-18 The famous British magazine Economist recently issued a report that stated Chinese people the longest time traveling to work among the global working population .
2009年12月18日英国著名杂志《经济学家》近日公布的一份报告显示,中国人在 上班路上花费的时间在全球 上班 族中最长。
Yet today more than half the world 's working population is in vulnerable GetWord ( vulnerable ); employment .
然而,今天,世界一半以上的 劳动 人口就业状况脆弱。
This will cause disturbing policy implications in the provision of pensions and health care which rely on continuing healthy tax revenues from the working population .
养老金和健保的提供依赖于稳定的 工作 人群税收,而 人口变化对于这两项福利的提供政策会带来令人不安的影响。
Meanwhile the Chinese working population will start to decrease from 2015 .
与此同时,中国 劳动 人口将从2015年起开始下降。
Historical and Geographical Changes in the Occupational Structure of Working Population in Guangdong Province : 1982-2005
广东省在业 人口职业结构时空变迁: 1982-2005
12The median monthly income from main employment of the working population was $ 10000 in2006 representing an increase of5 % over the past ten years .
在二零零六年, 工作 人口的每月主要职业收入中位数为10000港元,较十年前增加了5%。
In China thanks in part to its one-child policy the working population has already begun to contract .
在中国,由于一孩政策的关系, 劳动 人口已经开始缩小。
Can the rising burdens of healthcare and the broader costs of the retired be borne by the working population ?
劳动 人口能否忍受不断上升的医疗成本(以及退休 人口的负担)?
In Japan where the corporate surplus dates from the 1990s it reflects declining investment in response to weaker growth after the collapse of the bubble economy and a shrinking working population .
在公司盈余可追溯到20世纪90年代的日本,它反映出在泡沫经济崩溃和 劳动 人口减少之后,增长疲软导致了投资水平下滑。
In the early years of the industrial revolution average per capita incomes were slow to rise and the contrast between the plight of the working population and the lifestyle of rich manufacturers prompted savage diatribes such as that of Charles Dickens in hard times .
在工业革命早期,人均收入增长缓慢, 工人阶级的苦难与富有制造商的奢华生活形成鲜明对比,这招致了猛烈抨击,查尔斯狄更斯(charles dickens)在《艰难时世》(hardtimes)中就对此大加鞭挞。
Impact of Social Behavioral and Psychological Factors on Sleep Disorder in Working Population
社会行为心理因素对 职业 人群睡眠障碍的影响
Women were pouring into the workforce hitting 40 % of the total working population that year according to the Bureau of labor statistics .
美国劳工统计局(BureauofLaborStatistics)的资料显示,那年女性涌入职场,占到 劳动 人口的40%。
MSDs are prevalent and are a serious problem among working population around the world .
MSDs在全世界的 工作 人群中很普遍并且是一个严重问题。
By 2025 there will be as many non-workers as working population in Japan .
到2025年,日本非 劳动人口将与 劳动 人口持平。
The elderly are projected to rise as a proportion of the working population in most western countries to a frightening extent .
在大部分西方国家,老年人相对于 就业 人口的比例预计都将上升到可怕的程度。
Gladstone population 32 – where a fifth of the working population is employed in resource industries – is one reason why many Australians are not ready to write off the resources boom just yet .
格拉德斯通有3.2万 人口,其中在资源行业就业的劳动力占比高达五分之一,这也是为什么澳大利亚人还没有对资源热潮降温做好准备的原因。
Savings will start to drop after 2015 when the working population starts to decline he says .
2015年后, 就业 人口将开始减少,储蓄也将随之下降,他表示。
It is important to identify lifestyle factors that may protect against RSI in order to inform employers compensation boards and the working population they conclude .
“为了告知老板、高级管理人员和工作者,确定那些可以预防 RSI的生活方式因素很重要,”他们总结说。
The working population ; the ratio of working men to unemployed ; a working mother ; robots can be on the job day and night .
就业 人口;就业与失业之间的比例;工作的母亲;机器人可以日夜工作。
It is possible that Britain like other advanced economies could experience sustained growth that fails to improve living standards for swaths of the working population .
与其他发达经济体一样,英国可能在经历持续增长的同时,无法改善大批 工作 人口的生活水平。
The overriding concern at the outset of ensuring that most of the working population enrolled in the scheme resulted in the key responsibility for compliance residing with the employer and this approach has been successful .
最初,人们最关注的问题是确保多数 劳动者加入该计划,这使得参加该计划的主要责任落在了雇主身上。这种做法比较成功。
Among the many interesting findings : about 25 % of the working population overall is made up of people who respond to extreme stress by crying .
调查有很多有意思的发现,包括:约25%的 职场 人对极度压力的反应是哭泣。
Growing working population and mass unemployment cased by economic restructuring make our country experience unprecedented employment challenge .
不断增加的 就业 人口和经济结构调整带来的大量失业人口,使得我国遭遇到了前所未有的就业挑战。就业问题得到了广泛的关注。
The British working population did not have afternoon tea .
英国的 工人在过去并不喝下午茶。
Rapid aging poses serious threats to the country 's social and economic stability as the burden of supporting the growing number of elderly passes to a proportionately shrinking working population and the social safety net remains weak .
老龄化速度过快,对中国社会经济的稳定发展都带来巨大威胁。社会保障制度仍不全面, 工作 人口所占比例不断减小,但却要负担起更多老龄人口的衣食住行。
Almost 13 per cent of the working population is already unemployed .
就业 人口中有将近13%已失业。
美[ˈwə:kɪŋ ˌpɑpjəˈleʃən]英[ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ˌpɔpjuˈleiʃən]