
[经] 新华社

  • This not only refers to Xinhua Dictionary as other reference book should also accomplish this point .

    这不单单是指 新华字典》,其他工具书也应该做到这一点。

  • Hukou means household registration in Chinese and has been widely used by Xinhua news agency and China Central Television .

    Hukou(户口)的中文意思是户籍登记,该词已被 新华 和中国中央电视台所广泛采用。

  • Jiangsu people 's broadcasting station Yangtze Evening Xinhua daily and China transportation paper reported one after another .

    江苏人民广播电台及《扬子晚报》、 新华日报》、《中国交通报》等媒体相继给予了报道。

  • Father and I went to Xinhua Bookstore yesterday .

    父亲和我昨天到 新华书店去过。

  • Xinhua news agency said that China remained a much-needed bright spot in the world economy .

    新华 表示,在全球经济中,中国仍然是一个必要的亮点。

  • Xinhua news agency said the workers haven 't been paid since August .

    新华 报导称,自8月份以来工人们就没有拿到工资了。

  • According to Xinhua News Agency a powerful sandstorm attacked Pyongyang yesterday in early morning .

    新华 报道,一场强烈的沙尘暴昨天一大早就袭击了平壤。

  • I buy this book from Xinhua Bookstore .

    我从 新华书店买的这本书。

  • The state-run Xinhua news agency said officials at both schools denied involvement .

    中国官方的 新华 称,这两所学校的官员均否认参与。

  • Xinhua the state news agency published a relatively muted response to the Obama plan .

    官方 通讯 新华 针对奥巴马的计划发表了相对低调的回应。

  • So mass-media journalists often have to rely on the government 's official Xinhua news agency for important science news .

    在这种情况下一个关键的问题是,党报媒体的记者由于与政府部门关系密切,更容易接触到新的研究。而市场化的大众媒体则不得不依赖官方的 新华 来获取重要新闻。

  • Xinhua has collected experts'views on much-talked-about economic topics Monday .

    新华 星期一已经收集了专家对多次被探讨的中国经济的看法。

  • China 's official Xinhua New Agency says the rocket blasted off Friday from Xichang launching center in southwestern China .

    中国官方 新华 报导,运载火箭星期五从中国西南地区的西昌发射中心升空。

  • The state-run Xinhua News Agency featured these comments in bold headlines on its website .

    官方的 新华 在其网站上以粗体字标题形式发表这些评论。

  • The goverment 's official Xinhua news agency quoted Lee soo-hyuck the leader of South korea 's delegation .

    新华 引用了韩国代表团团长李秀赫的话。

  • ' It 's a word that everyone knows ' said the Xinhua News Agency .

    新华 说,这是个大家都认识的词。

  • Xinhua said : The Shanghai Municipal First Intermediate People 's Court has accepted this case according to the law .

    新华 表示:上海市第一中级人民法院依法受理了此案。

  • Later assigned by Xinhua News Agency as correspondence in Singapore and Cambodia .

    后先后任 新华 新加坡分社和柬埔寨金边分社记者。

  • Flags throughout the country were also lowered to half-mast and condolences books were opened in china 's foreign ministry and Chinese embassies and consulates around the world xinhua reported .

    全国范围内国旗全部降半旗,中国外交部以及中国在全世界范围内的使领馆均设置了 吊唁簿。

  • Xinhua says Lan 's death is provoking outrage on Internet sites in China .

    新华 还说,兰成长的死引发了网民的愤慨。

  • He made his remarks in an interview with a subsidiary of the official Xinhua News Agency published Tuesday .

    他是在接受中国官方 通讯 新华 社旗下一份报纸的采访时发表上述言论的,该报本周二刊发了采访内容。

  • Searches for Xinhua News Agency Ministry of Commerce and Ministry of Health returned a blank screen .

    搜索 新华 、商务部和卫生部,都只能得到空白页面。

  • Also we will have Xinhua English-language TV in supermarkets in Brussels and other cities .

    此外,我们还将在布鲁塞尔和其它一些城市的超市内提供 新华英语电视。

  • The incident was one of at least six highway-bridge collapses in China since July 2011 Xinhua said .

    新华 说,2011年7月以来中国至少出现了六起高架桥坍塌事故,这是其中一起。

  • He went to the city 's largest Xinhua Bookstore read all the books with AIDS .

    他跑到全城最大的 新华书店,翻阅了所有跟艾滋病有关的书籍。

  • Xinhua Finance Annual party was held in Shanghai Beijing and Hong Kong after the Chinese New Year .

    农历春节过后, 新华财经上海、北京、香港三地分别举行了简单而 热烈的年会。

  • Cui Jin a spokeswoman for Google China told Xinhua that Google did not spread such items intentionally .

    谷歌中国一位女发言人崔瑾(音译)对 新华表示,谷歌并没有故意传播这些内容。

  • The aircraft carrier left its shipyard at Dalian Port in northeast Liaoning Province on Wednesday morning Xinhua reported .

    新华 称,周三早晨,这艘航母离开了东北部辽宁省的大连港。

  • After the incident Xinhua reporters contacted several Chinese students in the university .

    事发后, 新华 记者与在该大学区读书的几名中国留学生取得了联系。

  • That figure was in line with a report on Saturday by the official Xinhua news agency .

    以上数字与中国官方媒体新华社( xinhua)上周六的报道一致。