


  • Xerography invented by Chester carlson .

    切斯特。卡尔森发明 静电 复印

  • Synthesis of novel CTMs is a hotspot of the xerography field .

    合成性能优良的电荷传输材料是目前 静电 复印领域的研究热点。

  • By xerography a book can be reproduced in a few hours .

    复印 ,几小时内 就能 一本书复印 出来

  • In comparison with CT and conventional Xerography MRI could be an optimal diagnostic method to be considered for diagnosis of acute injury of cervical vertebral .

    结论:MRI可以对颈椎损伤 形态,及 脊髓 韧带 椎间 组织损伤作出明确的诊断,是急性颈椎损伤患者最佳检查方法。

  • It 's like the highest level of award named after the inventor of Xerography .

    这是我们最高级别的奖项,以 我们 现代 复印 技术的发明者命名。

  • It is classified into two major groups Xerography and electrofax .

    它分为“干 影印”和“电传影印”两个主要方式。

  • Joe Wilson And Joe Wilson the man on the right was an entrepreneur who built this basic invention of xerography into a successful business .

    右边的那位,是一个企业家, 电子 照相 技术,这个 创意 打造成了一个成功的事业。

  • To make a photographic reproduction of ( printed or graphic material ) especially by xerography . thing reproduced esp a copy of a work of art

    复印件,摄影复制品进行照相 的复制(印刷或图表资料),尤指通过 静电 复印 复制

  • The results of this model is applied to xerography and the field strength of development region was attained .

    该模型用于 干法 照相并得到了显影区电场强度的表达式。

  • The invention of modern xerography has made our work much easier .

    现代 复印 的发明让我们的工作轻松多了。