It is the collective responsibility of the world community to protect the environment and our natural heritage .
保护环境和我们的自然遗产是 全球 社会的共同责任。
The world community has to come to grips with this reality .
国际 社会必须认真面对这一事实。
World Peace One is a non-profit charitable organization founded in2006 to assist progress and preserve the emerging world community towards a state of peace abundance and prosperity .
世界和平组织是一个非盈利的机构,始建于2006年。它的宗旨是帮助促进和维护 人类 社会朝着和平繁荣和富裕的道路前进。
Overseas Chinese literature as a unique cultural and literary phenomenon has brought a new element to the multi-cultural world community .
海外华文文学作为一种客观存在的独特文化文学现象,已给 世界多元文化 格局增添了新的成分。
Currently about one million personal computers in one hundred countries are involved in the World Community Grid .
当前约有一百个国家的一百万台个人电脑参与了 全球 联众网。
There are two visability options for schools world community and my school only .
学校有两个可见性选项,即“ 全球 社区”和“仅限我的学校”。
That occurred this crude violation of international law and those mandates which were once given out Russia by the world community as to partner for the peaceful settlement .
那发生了,这粗暴违反国际法和那些命令, 世界 社区曾经给俄国至于平安的解决的伙伴。
In addition to being a member of our country we are members of the world community and this gives us a global identity .
我们不仅是自己国家的一员,也是 世界大 家庭的一员,每人都有一个全球性的身份。
Neither the United States of America nor the world community of nations can tolerate deliberate deception and offensive threats on the part of any nation large or small .
美国和 国际 社会都无法容忍对任何国家,无论大小,进行蓄意的欺骗和进攻威胁。
The goal of world community with peace liberty and justice for all ;
以 世界 上所有人及 社群的和平,解放及公义为目标;
There is some community feeling & including a sense of responsibility for the world community .
有一些社群含有对 国际 社会的责任感。
The world community has been slow to respond to the crisis
国际 社会对这次危机反应迟缓。
We urgently need a shared vision of basic values to provide an ethical foundation for the emerging world community .
我们迫切需要一个共同的基本价值观,以便为正在呈现的 世界大 家庭提供道德基础。
The World Community Grid is making technology available to public and non-profit organizations to use in humanitarian research .
全球 联众网提供技术支持使公众和非营利组织用于慈善方面的研究。
In the new21st century the world community of engineering geology is firmly taking the way to serve the sustainable development of our economic society .
进入新世纪以来工程地质学 界正义不容辞地走上为经济社会可持续发展服务的道路。
What are the International Health Regulations ( 2005 ) and why does the world community need them to enhance international health security ?
什么是《国际卫生条例(2005)》, 世界 社会为何需要它来加强国际卫生安全?
In a talk with reporters Clinton said the world community is only getting mixed signals from Tehran and that it is time to pursue additional pressure .
在与记者的一次会谈中,克林顿称全 世界 一直仅仅从德黑兰得到模棱两可的信号,现在是时候给他们额外的压力了。克林顿说。
They are appealing to the world community to come to Jordan 's assistance
他们正在呼吁 国际 社会向约旦伸出援手。
Then he says the World Community Grid will become the world 's largest super computer able to do many projects a year .
他说,到那时 全球 联众网将成为世界上最大的超级计算机,每年能做很多项目。
Information Society is the term frequently used to refer to the current world community .
“信息社会”是一个术语/说法,被频繁地用于指称现在的 世界。
The process of globalization had highlighted that if the world community had to go forward the two had to progress together .
全球化的进程使这一点更突出,即如果 世界 社会必须前进,两者必须一起前进。
It was also the rebels themselves who were the first to call upon the world community for assistance specifically asking for a no-fly zone to protect the cities and towns that were under their control .
此外,首先呼吁 国际 社会予以援助的也是反抗者自己,他们明确要求划定禁飞区,保护处于他们控制下的城镇。
The world community of nations cannot tolerate this kind of flagrant deception .
人类 世界不能容忍这种 赤裸裸的欺诈。
But Steiner believes the world community has the scientific knowledge and the technical know-how to develop strategies to avoid the most catastrophic impacts of climate change .
但是,施泰纳相信 国际 社会有科学的知识和技术来发展策略以避免气候变化最灾难性的影响。
The world community should not flinch in the face of this challenge
国际 社会在面对这一挑战时不应该回避。
This World Community Service project built the school supplied backpacks and uniforms and revitalized the community .
这个 世界 社区服务计画不但盖了学校、供书包和制服,还让社区恢复生气。
But he said the United States hopes to see an election that reflects the desires of those who do vote and whose outcome is accepted as legitimate by the Afghan people and the world community .
但是他说,美国希望看到这场大选体现那些投票者的愿望,而大选结果也能得到阿富汗人民以及 国际 社会的接受。
And it 's how we conduct ourselves as members of the world community .
重要的是作为 国际 社会的一员,我们该如何处世。
美[wɜrld kəˈmjunɪti]英[wɜː(r)ld kəˈmju:niti]
[法] 国际社会