trust obligation

[trʌst ˌɑblɪˈɡeʃən][trʌst ˌɔbliˈɡeiʃən]


  • Basing on analysing the characteristic of trust holding on the essential foundation of trust This text is has carried on the overall discussion to the trustee 's qualification structure right structure obligation structure responsibility system .

    本文在分析信托特点、把握 信托本质的基础上,对受托人的资格规制、权利规制、 义务规制、责任制度进行了全面的探讨。

  • The trustee undertakes to trust the obligation to the client including faithful obligation and attention obligation .

    受托人对委托人承担 信赖 义务,包括忠实义务和注意义务。

  • However the trust law system should assume the obligation of guaranteeing the healthy development of the REITs at the time of innovation on Real Estate financing .

    但更重要的是,我国 信托制度在房地产金融创新的同时,也 必须从投资者的利益出发保证房地产投资信托的合法合规地健康发展。

  • A trust is a fiduciary relationship in which one person is the holder of the title to property subject to equitable obligation to keep or use the property for the benefit of another .

    信托是一种信赖关系,拥有财产权的人负有为他人利益而管理或处分该财产的衡平法 义务

  • The trustee trust benefits to the beneficiary for investment already can will as an obligation but change an Angle consideration it is also the trustee of a right .

    受托人为了受益人的 信托利益而进行投资,既可以将之看作是一项 义务,但是换个角度考虑,这亦是受托人的一项权利。

  • Based on trust and the balance between the interests of the contracting parties this obligation is from the profession and law .

    基于对 信赖的保护和法律平衡合同双方的利益,这种 注意 义务是一种职业 义务,是 强制性的规定。

  • (ⅱ) trust principle and the obligation of paying attention .

    信赖原则与注意 义务

  • Its produce on the basis of trust of client and relevant interests people and it include duty of care confidentiality obligation and duty to disclosure .

    它基于委托人和相关利益人的 信赖而产生,主要分为注意义务、保密 义务和告知义务。

  • This Act shall not apply to breaches of trust or of other fiduciary obligation .

    本法不适用于违背 信托或者其他信义 义务的情形。

  • There is a trust relationship between brokerages and their customers and investors . The brokerages get the great profits and basic capital so they should bear the corresponding obligation to be faithful .

    券商与其客户、投资者之间存在着 信赖与被 信赖的关系,并从这种信赖中获得了立业之本和丰厚利益,理应承担相应的诚信 义务