try one's best

[traɪ wʌnz bɛst][trai wʌnz best]


  • So every large products manufacturer falls over each other to try one 's very best and make an issue of advertisement .

    因此各大产品生产商 争相 使出 浑身解数在广告上做文章。

  • The conclusion of the text is : ( 1 ) Divide the input areas of the government 's fund and non-governmental capital one 's own input ranges rationally try one 's best to increase non-governmental capital input .

    本文研究得出的结论是:①要合理划分政府资金和非政府资本各自的投入范围, 尽量增加非政府资本投入。

  • Perhaps you 'd like to try this one . it 's the best we have .

    也许您愿意 试试这个。这 我们 最好的了。

  • However it is found in the study of mountain tourist hotel the important matter in hotel design is try one 's best to saving fund in build hotel and obtain maximal economy advantage .

    然而在对以往建成山地旅游宾馆的研究中发现, 尽量 节约建设宾馆的投入资金,并促使宾馆在经营中获得最大的经济利益 成为了宾馆设计所重视的问题。

  • Urban area function is it try science best to divide the urban architecture and green land plan to carry out and do one 's best systematically .

    城市区域功能划分不 科学,城市建筑和绿地系统规划执行 不力

  • Secondly try one 's best to make indeed and kind together on the base of beauty .

    其次, 求真与善在美的基础上得到统一。

  • The government should offer some concrete public service accordingly while offering loose policy frame try one 's best to avoid administrative interference such as implement the financial support raising peasant households ' prospective earnings strengthen the legal institutional improvement organize studies and trainings etc.

    政府在提供宽松的政策框架 同时,应该相应地提供一些具体的公共政策服务, 尽量少进行行政干预,如实行金融和财政上的政策扶持,提高农户的预期收益;加强法律制度建设;

  • A lot of people utilize this chance to try one 's best to purchase in order to leave some stocks .

    许多 利用这个机会 尽量采购,以便留些存货。

  • Size mixing and try one 's best to keep original viscidity firm content sizing rate thick liquid yarn machine keeping the original technical parameter not changing in the course .

    调浆过程中 尽量保持原来的粘度、固含量、上浆率、浆纱机保持原来的技术参数不变。

  • To try one 's best to reach the level of a modern cosmopolitan city in economic aggregates service functions and innovation ability
