


  • While the players gazed in amazement the turkey walked up to the head coach and demanded a tryout .

    在球员们惊异的注视之下,它走到主教练面前要求一次 试训 机会

  • The development and tryout of expert system for earthquake prediction .

    地震预报专家系统的研制与 试用

  • Through tryout it has been proved that the management system program for locomotive acceptance normalizes the management of locomotive spare parts and personal file is convenience and shortcut in use and meets the need of current locomotive acceptance .

    通过 试用表明,该软件规范了机车验收室的人事管理及机车重要件的管理工作,方便、快捷,满足了当前机车验收工作的需要。

  • The system adopts JSP and SQL Server as main development tools . Through test and tryout it has been proved that the system is in conformity to recent realistic situation of employment information management in colleges and the system is feasible and effective .

    该系统采用JSP和SqlServer为主要开发工具实现,通过测试与 试用,结果表明该系统符合目前高等院校就业信息管理工作的实际情况,是一套行之有效的系统。

  • The virtual die tryout technology and its application in sheet metal forming are described . The FEM program used in this research is PAM-STAMP .

    本文介绍了虚拟 技术及其在板成型中的应用,本研究所采用的有限元软件是PAM-STAMP。

  • Any errors found in the dies during tryout and final acceptance test will be corrected by the die supplier at no additional cost to su-dan .

    任何在模具 及接受过程中发现的错误应由供应商更正,任何相关费用与模具性能。

  • Finally the concrete implementation of the system including the class diagram with UML of the main classes the key logic of the system as well as the condition of test and tryout of the system are given .

    最后,给出了系统的具体实现,包括主要类的UML类图、系统的核心逻辑,以及系统的测试和 试用情况。

  • Finally some data analysis about the system has been tryout in some medium fowl corporations are brought forward .

    论文最后给出了此系统在一些中型养禽企业部分 测试的数据和分析。

  • Simulation results good coincide with the production by numerical simulation method we can guide the die design and modified instead of the tryout and rework process like before .

    模拟结果与生产中较好的吻合,通过数值模拟方法,可以指导设计修改 模具证明了数值模拟的正确性和可行性。

  • The Application of Die CAE Technology to Die Tryout for Car Engine Hood Panel

    模具CAE技术在轿车发动机罩外板模具 调试中的应用

  • He called on all painters to take part in a tryout in his palace .

    他召集了全国 知名的画师到宫中来参加 甄试

  • Develop new user to tryout in Suzhou area that are typical and suitable user for test .

    开发苏州地区的 客户 试用 资源,使 各种工具可以 投放到合理及有代表性的终端用户

  • Presently the networked product customization system is in tryout .

    目前, 电器产品网络化定制系统正在 试用 当中

  • The contracts shall be concluded in advance if a train or a tryout is necessary .

    用人 单位需对 劳务 进行培训或 试用的,应与 劳务 在培训或试用之前签订劳动合同。

  • The new refrigeration cycle theory with the ejector for the high and low temperature refrigeratory of the ship is a concrete tryout and efficient practice which involves the modern computer technology in the ship testing technique . It needs further study .

    本论文所研究的建立在喷射器基础上的船舶高、低温冷库制冷系统是现代微机技术在船舶测试技术中的一项具体 尝试和实践,有待于进一步改进和完善。

  • tryouts for the U.S. junior national athletics team .

    入选美国国家少年体育队的 选拔

  • I ain 't got no hookups to tryout camps .

    我和 训练 没有关系。

  • Maybe you could purchase this sample for tryout the quality of us .

    或者你可以 购买一 样品 试一试我们的质量。

  • During Michael 's sophomore year the varsity team needed additional players for an upcoming tournament nike outlet and held a tryout .

    在迈克尔的大学二年级时,学校篮球队为即将到来的比赛需要更多的球员,耐克插座并进行了 试用

  • Long-range tryout has proved that this technique has successfully solved the problems of data communication and data storage improving the efficiency of a power plant 's production management and decision-making .

    实践 证明,这种方法成功地解决了数据通信和存储的问题, 进而提高了电厂生产管理和决策的效率。

  • Although each nail driven into our first external life structure is tentative a tryout once we have made our commitments we are convinced they are the right ones .

    虽然我们对于外部生活结构的 尝试都是实验性的,但是我们一旦决定要这样做就 必然认定它是正确的。

  • The Improved Microteaching Pattern of Getting Used to the Training of the Tryout Teaching and Classroom Teaching Skills

    适应 试讲和说课技能训练的微格教学改进模式

  • First preset mold temperature machine to the temperature required for injection mold molding for the high-quality products once and reducing the tryout material .

    模温机先预调达到注塑模具所需的温度,一次成型为优质产品,减少 原料。

  • In order to make you know our production better we will provide you the tryout samples free of charge .

    为确保您对我厂产品的充分认识,我们将免费提供您 试用样品。

  • I find it hard to believe that if you are as gorgeous as you say you are that the $ 500K hasn 't found you if not only for a tryout .

    我发现很难相信如果你是你说的那么绚丽但挣50万的没找你,如果不是只为了 的话。

  • Finally the effectiveness of prototype is analyzed through a tryout in a certain scope .

    论文最后在一定范围内对原型系统进行了 试用和评价。

  • The new users to OTP are permitted to have a tryout free of charge .

    平台新用户可以 预先免费 试用

  • After analyzing how to restrict the times of a software tryout and how to register a software with the application of the Web the paper designs and implements a convenient safe and reliable way with Delphi programming language .

    本文对软件限次 试用和软件注册功能的实现进行了探讨,同时结合Web的应用,提出了一种简便易行、安全可靠的方案,并提供了用Delphi实现的代码。

  • It had long been the Galaxy 's intention to hold an open tryout this winter just as other Major League Soccer clubs do every few seasons .

    和其他大联盟的球队一样,银河队从很久之前就开始计划这次每隔几个赛季 就会开展一次的冬季公开 试训

  • Methods Acute pathogenic experiment was carried out according to the Methods of Acute pathogenic test of Microbial Pesticides ( tryout )( 1998 ) .

    方法按《微生物农药急性致病性试验方法》( 试行)1998执行。