abbr.Transistor-Transistor Logic 晶体管-晶体管逻辑(电路)

  • Calculation of the load capacity in TTL circuit

    TTL 电路 负载能力的计算问题 研讨

  • When the flash is used in TTL mode a low-power pre-flash is fired prior to exposure and before the shutter opens .


  • So if the ambient light is fair or bright and you want to use the plain TTL mode you should reduce the flash power by setting some negative FOLC to avoid overexposure .

    因此,若环境相当亮,又要使用 TTL模式,就需要设置负的FOLC降低闪光灯输出,避免过曝。

  • In TTL NAND circuit a phase inverter with its output circuit changed to an open collector .


  • Superlow power schottky ttl

    超低功率肖特基 晶体管 晶体管 逻辑

  • This field can be used maliciously by setting the value for an RR to a short or long TTL value

    这一领域可用于恶意设置的值为一居民向短期或长期 TTL

  • If the TTL reaches zero the packet is discarded .

    如果 TTL 达到零,则该数据包被丢弃。

  • Based on the routing salvage the formula for the routing overhead was advanced with time to live ( TTL ) and TTL is to eliminate the impact of expired routes .

    在路由抢救概率的基础上改进传统路由开销和路由时延的计算公式,是关于 路由寿命的函数,路由寿命的设置降低了过时路由对网络性能的影响;

  • Research for the Safety Methods of the Data Based on TTL Strategy under DDOS Attack

    DDOS攻击下基于 TTL策略的数据安全方法研究

  • However as a TTL flash it doesn 't work properly with EOS digital cameras .

    但是,作为 TTL闪光它不正常工作与EOS数码相机。

  • Some time before the migration make sure you lower the TTL of your domain name records to5 minutes .

    在迁移之前的某个时间,确保将您的域名记录的 TTL降低到5分钟。

  • The DNS entry for the application and its associated TTL must be managed carefully .

    应用程序的DNS条目及其关联 TTL必须小心管理。

  • If you receive a packet that you suspect is spoofed try to determine the real Time-to-Live ( TTL ) of the packet and compare it to the TTL of the packet you received .

    如果收到一个可疑的数据包,要尝试判断它真正的Time-to-Live( TTL),并将其与所接收包的TTL进行比较。

  • Digital input and output levels are TTL .

    数字输入和输出水平的 TTL

  • The port provides both output and input channels which are generally TTL compatible .

    该端口提供输出和输入通道,一般为 TTL兼容。

  • High-speed and low-voltage TTL AND-NOT gate to turn on amplification-state

    导通于放大状态的高速低压 TTL与非门

  • My strobe was in TTL and gave me enough light to lift the shadow areas .

    我的闪灯为 TTL 模式,因此闪灯提供了足够的光线来提升阴影区域的亮度。

  • In plain TTL mode the two measurements will not be interfere with each other .

    在普通 TTL模式中,两个测量结果互不相干。

  • Series and products for TTL semiconductor integrated circuits & Products of series PAL

    GB/T14129-1993半导体集成电路 TTL 电路系列和品种PAL系列的品种

  • The PDP-15 was implemented with TTL-integrated circuits unlike earlier PDPs which were built from discrete transistors .

    不同于早期的PDP(其从分散的晶体管 构建 PDP-15通过 TTL 集成的电路实现。

  • TTL & Select how long the server should cache the information .


  • Computers cache the name-to-IP mapping for a certain period of time known as the time to live ( TTL ) to reduce overall response time .

    计算机将这个名称缓存到IP映射一段时间,这个时间段称为timetolive( TTL),以减少总响应时间。

  • Nikon Speedlights let the photographer choose between two different TTL modes : A plain TTL mode and the TTL BaLanced fill ( TTL BL ) mode .

    尼康高速闪光灯有两种不同的 TTL模式:普通TTL模式和TTL均衡补充(TTLBL)模式。

  • Then you 've got some additional information about the length an ID and some strange codes like TOS TTL and UDP .

    随后,将获得一些额外的信息,诸如长度、ID和一些奇怪的代码,例如TOS、 TTL和UDP。

  • If you want the subject should stand out strongly from the background you should use TTL mode .

    如果想使主体强烈突出于背景,应该使用 TTL模式。

  • It is found that the TTL characteristics have significant seasonal and spatial variations .

    结果表明, TTL结构存在明显的季节和空间变化。

  • The OSD section has three TTL inputs and DC contrast control .

    OSD的部分有三个 TTL输入和直流对比度控制。

  • The default map does not have any time-to-live ( TTL ) expiration .

    该默认映射没有任何生存时间(Time-To-Live, TTL)过期。