



  • A trowel used to spread and smooth plaster . She level the surface of the cake mixture with a metal spatula

    用来展开、抹平灰膏的 铲子。她用金属铲抹平了蛋糕配料

  • I got a trowel and dug our cabbage patch all up .

    我曾经用 铲子挖过整个白菜地。

  • It is this I answered producing from beneath the folds of my roquelaire a trowel .

    “就是这个,”我边说边从短披风的褶裥下拿出 泥刀

  • To dig the ground as with a spade . a trowel used to make a surface slick .

    挖掘挖地,例如用 铲子用来是表面平滑的铲子。

  • My bricks being second-hand ones required to be cleaned with a trowel so that I learned more than usual of the qualities of bricks and trowels .

    我的砖头都是旧货,必须用 瓦刀 干净,这样我对砖头和瓦刀的性质有了超出一般的了解。

  • Mound Fire : Construction of a mound fire can be accomplished by using simple tools : a garden trowel large stuff sack and a ground cloth or plastic garbage bag .

    土堆火:建造一个火堆或许会用到 很多简单的工具:一 园丁 ,大的填充袋和一块大的铺布或者塑料垃圾袋。

  • It could not only lengthen the trowel stick life bt also improve the economic benefits .

    通过对受损失效镗 修复,延长了 的使用寿命,从而提高了经济效益。

  • That was laid on with a trowel .

    称赞 过分了。

  • If he were a good manager he would be able to take some credit for your work when he talks to his seniors but when he talks to you he should be generous and lay on the praise with a trowel .

    如果他是一个好经理,他可以在自己上司 面前 你的功劳 到自己头上,但是,当他跟你说话时,就应该不吝惜赞美之 大肆 褒扬你。

  • Such sayings themselves grow harder and adhere more firmly with age and it would take many blows with a trowel to clean an old wiseacre of them .

    这种话的本身也愈经久而愈牢固了,必需用 瓦刀一再猛击之,才能粉碎它,使一个自作聪明的老人不再说这种话。

  • A trowel used to make a surface slick . the wall had a smooth texture .

    用来是表面平滑的 铲子。桌面有着很平滑的纹理。

  • Use your Trowel with the barrels next to the tent and then use a Vial with it to fill it with Undefined Liquid .

    用你们 与桶旁的帐篷里,然后用一小瓶与它填补它未定义的液体。

  • Certainly he praised my work but I don 't take what he said seriously for he laid it on with a trowel .

    他确实称赞了我的工作,但我并不把他所说的当一回事,因为他说 过分了。

  • Use : the product has a very good energy to take off oil trowel on the tableware fruit vegetable and still has the effect redressing except the bacterial pesticide .

    用途:能很好的去除餐具、水果、蔬菜上的 油污,还有洗除细菌农药的作用。

  • With these materials and with the aid of my trowel I began vigorously to wall up the entrance of the niche .

    我便用这些材料, 泥刀,一个 地在壁龛入口处 起一堵墙来。

  • Use a trowel on ; for light garden work or plaster work .

    ;用来 轻的园子里或涂灰泥的活。

  • The company 's power trowel tamping rammer forward plate floor saw concrete vibrator and mortar pump already reach world-class standards .

    其中 抹平机,冲击夯,平板夯,切割机,震捣棒,灰浆泵等均已达到世界一流水平。

  • A trowel used to fill and finish masonry joints with mortar or cement .

    用灰泥或水泥填满建筑接点的 铲子

  • The plaster is applied with a sprayer or by hand using a twohanded trowel .

    砂浆可用喷枪喷涂或者 抹子手工涂抹。

  • A trowel used to spread and smooth plaster .

    用来是表面平滑的铲子。用 铲子 背面平整 土地 .用来展开、抹平灰膏的 铲子

  • The trowel machine has the advantages of small volume light weight and convenient carrying and use .

    该机优点 在于体积小、重量轻、携带和使用方便。

  • A salesman has to hustle for a living . On my hands and knees I vigorously attacked the weeds with a small hand trowel getting each one out by the roots .

    为了生计,店员必须不知疲倦地工作。我跪在地上不知 疲倦地用一个小手 所有的杂草连根除掉。

  • A trowel used in masonry .

    石匠 施工中使用的 泥铲

  • A trowel used by gardeners .

    花园园丁使用的 泥铲