true up


  • It is not easy to true up a frame . Principles Criteria and Environmental Framework of Operations

    做个标准的框架 不容易。作业原则、标准和环境框架

  • The story he told is true not made up .

    他讲的是 真事,不是 杜撰的。

  • The best way to make our dreams come true is to WAKE UP !

    最好的方法,使我们的梦想 成真,是 唤醒

  • True love never gives up .

    真爱永不 放弃

  • With the color of the manufacture of flat so that the true feeling up so that the color distinction from the intentions and impressions of nature to me .

    用本身的颜色制造平面,使感觉 真实 起来,这样的色彩区分来自于大自然给我意向和印象。

  • But the argument that more and more people will have to locate in Shanghai is true only up to a point .

    但是,那种认为 有越来越多的人迁驻上海的观点,并不 全然 正确

  • The results showed that superplastic compressive deformation in hot-pressed Y-TZP could be observed and the true strain was up to-1 . 30 . The effects of strain rate and temperature on superplastic deformation were discussed .

    结果表明热压Y-TZP可以超塑性压缩变形至- 1.30。讨论 应变速率和温度对超塑性变形的影响。

  • Don 't think these are common balloon general person return true blow up not letter you to try it

    不要以为这些都是普通的气球,一般人还 吹不 起来,不信你来试试看

  • If it 's important and it 's true back up your claims .

    如果这是重要的并且是 真实的,驳回你的投诉。

  • Freyda : and a true Isabel to raise up !

    法蕾 :还要巩固 真正伊莎贝尔的地位。

  • The purpose of the inquiry is to come at the true facts leading up to the accident .

    调查的目的是要 弄清造成事故的 真相

  • He tried desperately to persuade the authorities of his true identity right up to the day of his death and failed .

    一直到他临死的那天,还在迫不及待地向当权者 说明他的 真实身份,但是他失败了。

  • It 's true ( up to the limit set for standards ) but don 't forget that you 'll really be standard so your referral 's click value will be lower .

    这是 的( 最多限额定为标准),但不要忘记,你真的是标准的话,您的推荐的点击价值会降低。

  • It is not easy to true up a frame .

    校准图像 的一帧也不那么容易。

  • True warrior faced up to beautiful eyebrow in the United States dare to face pale single .

    真正的勇士敢于 正视漂亮的美眉,敢于直面惨淡的单身。

  • Stretching on the true bias will line up the yarns squarely ( Figure 16 - 2 ) .

    沿 真正的斜线拉伸,可以使纱线按正方形排列 整齐(图16-2)。

  • The purpose of the official inquiy is to come at the true facts leading up to the loss of the ship at sea .

    官方 问题的目的是要了解轮船海上遇难的 真实情况。

  • The theory of the avantgarde is that as an individual you can transform the world which is true up to a point .

    前卫理论 的就是作为单独的个体,你可以转变世界,这已 上升为一种观点。

  • This is less true of children brought up in an orthodox faith .

    在正统信仰中 长大成人的儿童,不 完全是这样。

  • His true feelings keep surging up inside him .

    他的 真实感情不断 他的心头。

  • Now this was true for her growing up but as a twentysomething soon Emma would pick her family when she partnered with someone and created a family of her own .

    可这只是她 成长时期的状况。作为一个20多岁的人, Emma很快会与某人为伴组建她自己的新家庭。

  • The Indian figure may underestimate the true picture by up to two-thirds because of unregistered enterprises that slip through the statistical net .

    真实情况相比,印度的数据可能少 算了三分之二,因为有许多“未注册的企业”成为统计网络的漏网之鱼。

  • The story was partly true and partly made up .

    这个故事一部分是 的,一部分是 杜撰的。

  • As they report in the latest edition of Behavioral Ecology they have found that it is true but only up to a point .

    当他们在行为生态学最后一版报道时,他们已发现这是 的,但只是 依靠 一点。

  • That is true up to a point .

    从某种程度来说,确是 如此

  • Every child has a soul which yearns and carries a longing on his lap and goes to sleep with it hoping to find that his dream come true when he wakes up with the morn .

    每个小孩子都有一颗思慕的和切望的灵魂,怀着一种热望去睡觉,希望在早晨 转时发现他的 梦想已成为事实。

  • It might be true or partially true or partially made up or it might be totally made up .

    它可能是真的,也有可能部分 的部分是 编造的,或者完全是编造的。

  • My true program is summed up in one word : life . I expect to photograph anything suggested by that word which appeals to me . - Edward Weston .

    真正的计画可以 归纳 两个字:生命。我期待能够拍下所有吸引我且充满生命的事物。