true code


  • RHTML is a true template format not simply a way of embedding code in HTML and this is a much more powerful approach .

    RHTML是 真正的模板格式不仅是在HTML中嵌入 代码的方式这是一种更为有效的方法。

  • What 's true for programming code in general is true for debugger code .

    适用于编程 代码的一般规则也适用于调试器代码。

  • If the input value is true the code groups in the upper part of the control structure execute .

    如果输入值为 True,则执行控制结构上部的 代码组。

  • True separation of code and markup .

    代码和标记 真正分离。

  • This may be true but carefully crafted code can still be optimized better and it 's still best to avoid creating object .

    也许他们 ,但不管怎样,我们依然可以对精心编写的 代码进行优化,当然了,最好的手段就是避免创建对象。

  • This case is true as long as the new code supports the same message schema .

    这种情况是 真实的,只要新 代码支持相同的消息模式。

  • So claims stating that a client API supports any SOAP service are never true in general if the code does anything other than form the SOAP Envelope given arbitrary XML as the payload .

    所以,除非 代码构成用任意XML作为有效负载的SOAP信封,否则,声称一个客户机API支持任意SOAP服务的声明通常情况下都绝不是 的。

  • There are few true code cowboys lucky enough to travel from job to job never having to maintain anyone else 's code .

    没有几个 真正的“ 代码牛仔”足够幸运地能够不断地变换工作,而不必修改其他人的代码。

  • This replaces def scaffold = true with the full implementation of the controller code .

    这将def scaffold=true替换为控制器 代码的完全实现。

  • If it is true only the status code and the headers are returned .

    的话,只返回状态 代码和头部。

  • True if the code that this element represents is no longer available

    如果此元素表示的 代码已不再可用,则为

  • He practised Li a ceremonial code of social and religious behaviour and maintained that it was the true code for a gentleman to follow .

    他奉行礼,认为它是社会和宗教行为的礼仪规范,是圣贤之士都应该遵循的 真正行为 规范

  • This is always true when the code is executed with full trust .

    当使用完全信任 代码执行时,始终 满足此条件。

  • If you uncomment the field . setAccessible ( true ) line then recompile and rerun the code it will succeed .

    如果您未注释field.setAccessible( true)代码行,那么重新编译并重新运行该 代码,它将取得成功。

  • Fundamentally each of these does exactly the same thing : it tests a condition and if true continues to execute the block of code provided .

    它们做的基本上是同一件事:测试一个条件,如果该条件为 ,则继续执行提供的 代码块。

  • Smaller more concise build files are much easier to maintain and understand ; in fact this pattern happens to hold true for code as well .

    更小、更简洁的构建文件维护和理解起来要容易得多。实际上,这种模式对于 代码而言同样 适用

  • In order to solve the problem that the true code must be rewritten again from the present C / S architecture system to B / S architecture application program server has been generated that includes the application program of enterprise logic .

    为了解决将现有C/S结构的系统过渡到B/S结构而必须将原 代码重写 一遍的问题,因而产生了应用程序服务器,它包含企业逻辑的应用程序。

  • After all in theory the if simply checks a condition and if the condition is true executes the block of code that follows .

    毕竟,从理论上说,if只检查一个条件。如果条件为 ,则执行后面跟着的 代码

  • Set it to true ( as shown in the above code ) to supply specific authentication credentials to cause a WWW-Authenticate HTTP header to be passed with the initial request .

    如果将其设置为 true(如上述 代码所示),则可以提供特定的身份验证凭据,以便通过初始请求传递WWW-AuthenticateHTTP标头。

  • For example if the conditional is marked likely then the compiler can place the True portion of the code immediately following the branch ( which will not be taken ) .

    例如,如果一个条件标上了“likely”,那么编译器可以把 代码 True部分直接放在分支 指令后面(这样就不需要执行分支 指令)。

  • So it is true that Java code does not require the programmer to be responsible for memory management cleanup and that it automatically garbage collects unused objects .

    所以的确是 这样,Java 代码不要求程序员负责内存的管理和清除,它会自动对无用的对象执行垃圾收集。

  • Although this might have been true in the past modern code generators particularly those that are fully customizable can produce code that performs just as well as handwritten C + + or Java .

    虽然这在过去可能是 的,但现代的 代码生成器特别是那些全面可定制的可以生成执行得像手写的C++或Java那样好的代码。

  • If the json attribute is true the code generator adds a JavaScript line that evaluates the Ajax response using eval ( request . responseText ) .

    如果json属性为 true,那么这个 代码生成器将会用eval(request.responseText)添加一行JavaScript代码来评估Ajax响应。

  • Enter true if the stair is counted for building code exit requirements .

    如果楼梯与建筑物 规范中对出口的要求有关,则输入 true”。

  • The name of the tool that converts assembly language into true machine code is called an assembler .

    把汇编语言翻译成 真实的机器 的工具叫汇编程序。

  • Lisp conditional statements use true / false expressions in conjunction with code .

    Lisp条件语句将 true/false表达式和 代码一起使用。

  • So double bar means if this condition or this one and maybe even both are true go down this road and execute that code .

    所以复纵线意思是,如果这两个条件之一-,或者两个都&是 成立的,那就继续,执行后面的 代码

  • Different elements of a program are often unnecessarily intertwined and this is doubly true for UI code .

    程序的不同元素通常都不必要地相互缠结,UI 代码更是 这样