truncation error


  • The production concentration is obtained by analytical method which had no truncation error and rational concentration .

    由于用解析法求解浓度不存在任何 截断 误差,且浓度的解 总是 位于理解的范围内, 采用解析法 求解产出液浓度。

  • Sources of spurious signals for entirely digital structure of DDS include phase truncation error amplitude quantization error and non-linear characteristics of DAC .

    验证了DDS因为全数字结构带来的杂散来源,包括相位 截断 误差、幅度量化误差和DAC非线性误差等。

  • Truncation error results from using only the first few terms of an infinite series .

    舍弃 误差则因在无穷级数中仅计算及 有限项数而造成。

  • We further studied the cross-focus system and found direct experimental evidence for the truncation error induced intermittency .

    进一步研究过焦系统,找到了 截断 误差诱导阵发混沌的直接实验证据。

  • The analytical truncation error formulas of a partial differential equation are given for the upstream scheme and the centered difference scheme respectively .

    然后 引入参考解的办法,用来分离更为一般的微分方程求解过程中的 截断 误差和舍入误差。

  • Correction Algorithms to Truncation Error in Trajectories of Carrier Rocket

    运载火箭外测弹道 截断 误差的洁化插值修正算法研究

  • A new integration formula and its local truncation error are presented on the basis of non-iso-interval Newton interpolation .

    本文基于不等距牛顿插值,简捷地导出了一个新的积分公式及其 截断 误差

  • First its fundamental theory is introduced then the phase truncation error and amplitude quantization error are analyzed together with their influences on the spectrum of the output signal and then a formula is presented to evaluate the influences which corresponds with the simulating results .

    文中首先分析了 载波 数控 振荡器的基本原理,然后分析了相位 截断 误差和幅度量化误差及其对 载波 数控 振荡器输出信号频谱的影响,并给出了和仿真结果吻合的估计误差影响的表达式。

  • Both the formula for truncation error and the formula for selecting truncation index are given .

    显著地减少了计算 负担,便于 实时应用,还给出了 截断 误差公式和选择截断指标的公式。

  • A direct evidence for intermittency induced by truncation error is provided in the paper .

    一个 截断 误差诱导阵发混沌的直接证据。

  • The truncation error in calculating the harmonic loss is analysed and a method is offered to determine how many times harmonics must be calculated at least .

    文中还对谐波损耗计算的 截断 误差进行了理论分析,确定了谐波损耗所需计算的最少谐波次数。

  • A stochastic digital oscillating system induced by the truncation error

    一个 截断 误差诱导下的随机数字振荡系统

  • This algorithm adjusts the step-size appropriately according to the presupposed precision and the local truncation error of each step .

    该算法根据每步计算中局部 截断 误差和精度的要求,合理调整步长大小。

  • A new arithmetic of time-field average is put forward in this paper which can settle the problem of cycle truncation error affecting the result of averaging in substance and then the fault vibration signals of the gear are measured and analyzed .

    提出了信号时域平均处理的新算法,解决了周期 截断 误差对平均结果的影响,并对测取的齿轮箱齿轮故障振动信号进行了处理。

  • This paper introduces the theory of the phase-locked loop ( PLL ) and the direct digital synthesis ( DDS ) a method to improve the precision of DDS and reduce its phase truncation error is also given .

    介绍了锁相环(PLL)技术和直接数字式频率合成(DDS)技术的基本工作原理,给出了一种提高DDS输出频率精度及减小其相位 截断 误差的方法。

  • With Newmark presumption this method has high accuracy of the fourth order truncation error .

    此计算方法基于Newmark方法假定,具有四阶的 截断 误差,精度高;

  • The truncation error ot the computation formula of solar absorptance used in engineering has been analyzed and discussed in detail .

    详细地分析了工程上应用的太阳吸收率计算公式的 截断 误差

  • Sampling plane truncation error is a very important factor of affecting the result in time domain near field measurement .

    采样面 截断 误差是影响近场测试结果的一个很重要的因素。

  • The truncation error corresponding different time window length is analysed . The ability of restraining noise of the filter is also discussed .

    并对选择不同 截取时窗长度的 截取 误差进行了分析,对该滤波器的噪声抑制能力也进行了讨论。

  • Start with Taner reflection time curve equation present the wide angle NMO correction method on truncation error correction .

    从Taner的反射波时距曲线方程入手,提出了具有 截断 误差校正的广角NMO校正方法。

  • It retains all of the advantage of ( 3-50a ) and ( 3-50b ) except for a somewhat increased truncation error .

    除了略微增加 截断 误差外,它保持式(3-50a)和(3-50b)的所有优点。

  • This paper use for reference the pre-human method use the finite difference method construct the Du Fort-Frankel difference scheme for the three-dimensional diffusion equation and use the multidimensional Taylor formula work out the truncation error for the difference scheme .

    本文借鉴了前人的思路,用有限差分方法构造了三维扩散方程的DuFort-Frankel差分格式,并用多维Taylor公式的计算方法计算了格式的 截断 误差

  • We therefore have a truncation error of0.01 .

    因此,我们有一个 截断 误差为0.01。

  • By interpolation the tail and the truncation error may be neglected .

    用插值方法计算,计算的尾差和 截断 误差可以不必考虑。

  • A new so called truncation error reduction method ( TERM ) is developed in this work .

    提出了一种新的 截断 误差减小方法。

  • The analyses of local truncation error of these seven kinds of difference schemes have been presented . The stability of these seven kinds of difference schemes have been analyze with frozen coefficient method furthermore their convergence have been analyze .

    对这七种差分格式的局部 截断 误差阶进行了分析和比较,并且利用冻结系数法分析了它们的稳定性进而分析了它们的收敛性。

  • Thetormulae of truncation error have been derived mathematically .

    从数学上推导了 截断 误差的计算公式;

  • In the computation the adaptive time stepping method is explored . A new simple method to estimate the local truncation error at each time step is presented .

    在计算中采用了自适应时间步长的方法,并首次提出了一种估计局部 截断 误差简单实用的方法。

  • This paper introduces a DTMF software synthesizer based on DDS and its implementation and analyzes the effect of phase noise spurious noise and phase truncation error on output wave form .

    介绍了一种基于DDS的DTMF软件合成器之工作原理及其实现,分析了时钟相位噪声、杂散噪声、相位 截断 误差对输出波形的影响。

  • Their truncation error and speeds have also been compared with numerical experiments .

    并且用数值实验比较了它们的 截断 误差和运算速度。