


  • The paper reaches a conclusion that co-authorship network can reflect author 's true-life interpersonal relation to some extent .

    经研究发现:我国图书情报学的合著关系网络在很大程度上反映了 著者现实 社会中的人际关系。

  • And now a true-life story from a local citizen

    现在是一位当地居民 讲的 真实 生活故事

  • Secondly we analyze the motion of true-life fountain body and obtain motion equation of water-bead particle of the fountain by using the principle of hydrokinetics and the method of original flow .

    其次,运用流体动力学原理和原始流方法,分析 现实 生活中喷泉水体的运动,得出喷泉水粒子的运动方程。

  • There are true-life and theoretic reasons which give birth to space right .

    空间权产生既有 现实上的 依据,又有理论上的依据。

  • The dissertation is about the sheltered factors of children who growing at divorced family and its true-life function under the circumstance of high rate of divorce and the more serious issue of divorced family .

    本文是在当前离婚率增高,离异家庭问题越来越严重的背景下,从 实践 角度 探索离异家庭儿童成长环境中的保护性因素,以及 现实中其作用的发挥。

  • The traditional way of image pattern ( true-life patten ) can not express the solid space geometric structure movement rules and emotional factors .

    传统的形象( 写实)图谱 记录法,无法将 舞蹈的立体空间、几何结构、运动规律和情感因素等表现出来。

  • The article researches how laboratory assistant should envisage true-life that is higher demands for experiment teaching and the responsibilities of laboratory assistant will been changed thoroughly and accept the challenge after the new curriculum standard came on and have being brought into effect .

    新课程标准的出台并实施,将对实验教学提出更高的要求,实验员的职责也将发生根本的变化,实验员如何面对 现实,迎接挑战,作者进行了较全面的探讨。

  • However in the true-life standard often collides with freedom thus there are contradictions between teachers and students .

    然而,在 班级 现实 生活中,规范与自由却时常产生冲突,师生间也因此经常发生矛盾。

  • As we look upon some of these true-life events we see just how far we 've come to becoming a better species that is accepting itself more and more .

    我们 透过观察这些 真实 案例 可以发现自己在迈向一个自我接受的物种上,所走过的

  • Is the last one drawn by langshining ? If it is it 's so true-life .

    最后一张是郎士宁画的吧?是他画的话,很 写实的。

  • It was with the common features of Chinese composing in that period which was mixing nonfigurative cosmism and epistemology with true-life political opinions societal analyses and the choice of life etc. All of these influenced people together .

    它有着中国古代先秦典籍共同的特点,就是将抽象的思维的宇宙论和认识论等,以及 现实 生活中的政治主张、社会分析、人生选择等等混合在一起,共同影响着后人。

  • That is not only the requirement of the true-life but also the necessity of the social development in China .

    一席之地,这不仅是我国 现实 生活的需要,同时也是我国社会发展的需要。

  • Computer assistant instruction can optimize teaching content structure expert system technology can manage non-structure teaching problem that be analyzed and judged by human experts in true-life .

    计算机辅助教学可以优化教学内容结构,专家系统技术可以处理 现实 世界中由人类专家来分析和判断的非结构性教学问题。

  • On the Realistic Character of New Realistic Novel & Also on the Differences Between New Realistic Novel and Reform Literature New True-life Literature and Vanguard Literature

    新现实主义小说现实品格论&兼论新现实主义小说与改革文学、新 写实、先锋文学之不同

  • Voting is a representative problem on social choice theory study . At present voting has applied in true-life and acquired a great deal of effect but there are some problems .

    投票选举是社会选择理论研究的典型问题,目前已大量应用于 现实 生活 之中,并取得了很大的成效,但也存在一些问题。

  • True-life Stories of Chinese in South California

    南加州华人 写实

  • Is she cracking up or could Lily be a true-life doppelganger out to curse her ?

    她精神崩溃了吗?又或者莉莉是一个幽灵,来到 现世诅咒了她?

  • Based on the above analysis the essay illustrates that Chinese traditional opera is art of virtual and freehand while western opera is art of true-life the mimic of action .

    说明中国戏曲是写意的虚拟性艺术,西文戏剧是行动的模仿的 写实性艺术。

  • The relation between the philosophy and true-life can be outspreaded through such issues as philosophy and demos philosophy and social practice truth and value knowledge and belief rationality and non-rationality vision of philosophers .

    哲学与 现实 生活的关系可以通过哲学与民众、哲学与社会实践、真理与价值、知识与信仰、理性与非理性、哲学家的使命感等问题展开出来。

  • The film is based on the true-life story of a cancer sufferer .

    这部电影是基于一个癌症患者的 真实故事 拍摄的。

  • Refulgent phenomena is not real the true-life is full of bitterness and contradiction .

    辉煌是想象中的辉煌,现实则是 辛酸和充满挣扎。

  • Philosophy as the essence of time spirit should understand the true-life inevitably .

    作为时代精神之精华的哲学必定懂得 现实 生活

  • It shows the life and psychology of the present people with the attitude of facing the life directly and strict true-life writing style describes the world with worldly methods and meets the people with common taste fashions .

    它以直面人生的创作态度和严格 写实的风格表现时下的生活和人民的心态,以世俗化的手法描绘世相,以大众化的审美形式与人民 大众接轨。

  • This paper analyzes the neglect of filial piety cultural education and probes into the true-life significance of the Chinese traditional filial piety cultural education for the construction of socialism harmonious society the promotion of socioeconomic development and handling the issues of the approaching aging society .

    于此,文章拟从分析中国孝文化教育在 当今 社会 缺失 现象入手,探讨和分析中国孝文化教育在构建社会主义和谐社会、促进社会经济发展和应对老龄化社会的到来等方面的 现代意义。

  • In more than one thousand years the sentimental poem of spring and autumn experienced a double denied course from true-life dissatisfaction to philosophy thinking and then return to real world .

    在一千多年的变迁中,伤春悲秋诗歌经历了一个从 现实 人生到哲理思考,又回归现实人生的否定之否定过程。

  • Without specific oil-painting facture direction author regards the traditional true-life charcoal drawing system as his own point of no returning in utmost way training .

    作者在没有明确油画创作方向的情况下,以传统 光影 写实 素描体系为 原则作直逼自己 素描 写实 能力极限点的素描极限训练。