


  • Every word in Italian is like a truffle . A magic trick .

    意大利语的每一个单词都如同 松露。充满戏法。

  • Every word was a singing sparrow a magic trick a truffle for me .

    每个字对我来说都是歌唱的鸟儿、魔术、 松露

  • Truffle Polenta Cake Pan Fried Taleggio Cheese Asparagus Olive Dressing .


  • Until the 1960s the sought-after fungus was little known in Spain and European truffle culture was dominated by the French and Italians .

    在上世纪60年代前,这种珍稀 美味在西班牙鲜为人知,欧洲的 松露文化主要由法国人与意大利人打造。

  • The Madeline is made using French Valrhona chocolate fresh cream vanilla pods and pure Italian truffle oil .

    在马德琳是使用法国法芙娜巧克力,鲜奶油,香草豆荚和纯正的意大利 松露油。

  • It 's a truffle . it 's got all of these layers .

    这是 松露,有这么多层。

  • Once cooled carefully remove each truffle from the plate using the dipping fork . Set in a confectionery case and arrange in a box .

    冷却后,用浸渍叉小心移动 松露 巧克力,放入糖果盒内并码放整齐。

  • For the Cotes du Rhone villages and the vintages it evolves over time into flavors of undergrowth and truffle .

    罗纳河谷山坡地村庄里采收的葡萄在生长过程中渐渐地带有灌木丛和 块菌的香味。

  • That includes pudding which instead of soggy apple crumble is more likely to be lemon and rosemary chocolate truffle .

    而布丁也可能从往日黏糊糊的苹果陷改为柠檬迷迭香 松露巧克力

  • It is the first venture in hotel-keeping from the P é rez family whose nearby estate La Mas í a El Olmo is a major truffle producer .

    这是佩雷斯家族涉足酒店行业的第一家,附近的LaMasíaElOlmo庄园则是主要的 松露产地。

  • The results showed that both truffle extracting liquid and self-made grape wine had good antioxidant activity however the mixing solution had the strongest antioxidant activity .

    结果表明, 块菌 乙醇提取液、自制红葡萄酒均有较好的抗氧化活性,而两者不同比例的混合液则有更高的抗氧化活性。

  • Lettuce goose liver truffle pieces French beans carrot grinded hazel and boiled egg with chef vinaigrette seasoning .

    什锦生菜、上等鹅肝、 松露 、四季豆、红萝卜、碎榛果、蛋。佐主厨特制油酱。

  • If you have a dear wife or child given you they are like the shellfish or the truffle they are very well in their way .

    你亲爱的老婆和孩子就像你拾到的 美丽贝壳 松露,他们 能安然 之。

  • Studied on the Ecological and Physiology Property of Truffle


  • The first truffle in Manjimup took some five years to produce .

    曼金马普区的第一个 松露花了大约五年时间才培育出来。

  • Remove the truffle mixture from the refrigerator .

    从冰箱 拿出 先前 放入 巧克力

  • The package includes bottles of Truffle Shampoo and Truffle Conditioner retailing at ? 275 to take home and a hot stone cranial massage .

    全套的服务包括 好多松露的洗发用品和护发素,零售价为275英镑。这些东西都可以带回家,同时你还可以享受一个炎热的石头颅按摩。

  • So what does a truffle taste like ?

    那么 松露的味道如何呢?

  • How about a single chocolate truffle costing $ 250 ?

    怎么样一个巧克力 松露耗资250?

  • I didn 't get to enjoy a traditional Christmas dinner this year . instead I 'd a white truffle dinner !

    今年没有享用到传统的圣诞大餐,但我吃了白 松露 大餐!

  • The research evolution of edible truffles is introduced from the aspect of species infected seedlings cultivation and garden management . The existing problems in truffles cultivation are discussed and the suggestions on protection and cultivation of truffle resources and artificial cultivation in China are also put forward .

    介绍了可食用块菌的种类、菌根化树苗培养方法、块菌园管理等方面的研究进展及目前块菌人工栽培研究中存在的问题,并对我国 块菌资源的保育和人工栽培研究提出了建议。

  • The dish is still on the menu for $ 32 but the truffle version is $ 140 .

    目前这款汉堡仍售价32美元,但 含有 松露的款则要售价140美元。

  • You can also enjoy your truffle with a meal at the winery 's cafe .

    在葡萄酒厂的咖啡厅用餐,你还可以享用到 松露

  • Tell me how much this hot truffle is going to cost me .

    告诉我这个 辣妹要花我多少钱。

  • I do love some halibut sashimi with truffle I like me some blue crab hand roll .

    我喜欢大比目鱼刺身配上 松露,我也喜欢蓝蟹手卷。

  • Popular ingredients for dinner parties were Russian caviar white truffle and champagne .

    最受欢迎的晚宴料理有俄罗斯鱼子酱, 白松露和香槟。

  • An example of what the children might find on their plates on an average day is smoked mackerel which is caught on the day with beetroot and kale salad and a lemon and rosemary chocolate truffle for dessert .

    看看每天孩子们能在自己的餐盘里能找到什么,由当天现抓的食材做的熏鲭鱼配甜菜根、羽衣甘蓝沙拉,还有柠檬迷迭香 松露巧克力 布丁

  • Grilled lamb chops with black truffle sauce ( and mint sauce )

    烤羊排,配黑 松露酱(及薄荷酱)

  • Hannibal Lecter would be gravely disappointed to learn that this hunk of flesh is actually chocolate truffle and rum chocolate butter cream frosting

    汉尼拔.莱克特会大失所望地发现这大块的肉其实是 松露巧克力和酒心巧克力奶油蛋糕制成的

  • When the truffle appears it looks at first like just another rounded rock a few inches under the soil .

    松露 现形时,起初就像 在土壤底下几英寸处的一块圆石头。