Speaking earlier at a conference in London Prince Turki al-Faisal the former Saudi ambassador to the US said the plot was criminal .
沙特王子 Turkial-Faisal曾是沙特驻美国大使,他早些时候在伦敦的一次会议上表示,这个阴谋是犯罪行为。
The cultural linguistic value of the Turki Dictionary
《 突厥 语辞典》的文化语言学价值
Besides it showed that Turki had closest relationship with modern out Mongolia contrasted with the reported populations . And the 5 mutation sites of Turki were all hot mutation sites of Mongolian .
此外,与 其他已报道人群 数据进行比较表明, 吐尔基 山 辽 墓 主人与现代外蒙古 人群 遗传距离最近,其5个突变位点均为蒙古人的突变热点。
The paper discussed the relationships of the first personal pronouns in three language groups of Ahai language family : Mongol group Turki group and Manchu-Tungusic group .
本文讨论了阿尔泰语系蒙古语族语言、 突厥语族语言和满、通古斯语族语言第一人称代词的关系。
The word Am is not as people think a name referred to a tribe which uses Turki as its language and the idea that the so - called n Dialect is the language of West Turki group and the Huihe is also wrong .
Arbu一词并非如通常 所认为的那样,指某一 操用 突厥 语部落的名称,而所谓n方言为西突厥族及回鹘人语言的观点亦不能成立。