turn about

[tɚn əˈbaʊt][tə:n əˈbaut]


  • Additionally positive karma is generated which plants the seeds for auspicious conditions to ripen which in turn brings about verifiable changes in both the internal and external worlds .

    此外,积极的业力在生成,它播下有利条件下可以成熟的种子,这些种子 转而 带来内部和外部世界能证实的转变。

  • I know I 've got gall asking for Miss Suellen now when I have n 't a cent but & well it 's this way . I got to thinking that we do n 't know how things are going to turn out about this war .

    我知道,我如今身无分文却向苏伦小姐求婚,这未免太 冒昧了,可是&可事情就是如此,我也曾想过,我们还不知道这场战争打下去究竟会是 什么样的结果。

  • That was agreeable so they chewed it turn about and dangled their legs against the bench in excess of contentment .

    好条件以后,他俩 轮流嚼着口香糖,他们悬着腿,坐在长凳上,高兴极了。

  • Gerardo Miranda said he was so nervous he made a wrong turn about a mile from the hospital .

    吉拉尔多·米兰达说,当距离医院还差1英里的地方,他因为太紧张而 错了

  • Conclusion : Artificial liver support combined with Chinese medicine in treating HF could improve the rate of clinical cure and better turn about HF .

    结论:人工肝支持加中药治疗HF,可提高HF的临床治愈 好转率。

  • And the men of Israel had made a turn about and the men of Benjamin were overcome with fear for they saw that evil had overtaken them .

    以色列人又 转身回来,便雅悯人就甚惊惶,因为看见灾祸临到自己了。

  • Give your hand a shake shake shake and turn yourself about .

    把你的手摇啊摇啊摇, 再来

  • See what you can turn up about the family in the files .

    看看 关于这个家庭你能在文件里 发现什么。

  • Still the Indian Summer held on and he continued to crawl and faint turn and turn about ;

    幸亏天气仍然继续放晴,他于是继续爬行,继续晕倒, 辗转地爬;

  • In the desperation of her feelings she resolved on one effort more ; and turning to Elizabeth said Miss Eliza Bennet let me persuade you to follow my example and take a turn about the room .

    她绝望之余,决定再作一次努力,于是转过身来对伊丽莎白说: 伊丽莎班纳特小姐,我劝你还是学学我的样子, 房间里瞎 走动走动吧。

  • I told you the last time you were here with a grievance that you had better turn about .

    我告诉你,上一次你到这儿来诉苦的时候,我就告诉你最好 回心转意

  • Turn about to old approaches or to deepen the reform ?

    沿用老办法, 回头路,还是深化改革?

  • Recently the characteristics of telecommunications market has changed due to the development of telecommunications technology which in turn brings about changes in telecommunications regulation policies from supporting policies to incentive policies .

    近年来,电信技术进步导致电信行业特征发生了变化,而电信行业特征的变化 推动了电信管制环境的变迁从政策扶持向政策激励演进。

  • However I immediately stept to the cabin-door and taking up my UN fir 'd at him upon which he immediately turn 'd about and swam towards the shore again .

    我立刻走进舱里,拿起枪来,对着那家伙放了一枪。那猛兽立即 调头向岸上 去。

  • Image-decoding era has to some extent induced visual culture to become a dominant culture which has in turn brought about some negative influences on the visual culture .

    “读图时代”使视觉文化在某种程度上成为一种强势文化,但 给视觉文化 带来负面的影响。

  • Miss Eliza Bennet let me persuade you to follow my example and take a turn about the room .

    伊丽莎·班纳特小姐,我劝你还是学学我的样子, 房间里瞎 走动走动吧。

  • It is well documented that ninjas could turn just about anything into a weapon .

    有很多记录都显示忍者能够 利用任何 东西作为武器。

  • In the course of life 's quests aspiration often gives way to disillusion which in turn brings about regret .

    在对生命的祈求中,渴望通常会屈服于醒悟,这 轮回 带来遗憾。

  • Thinking that turn and turn about is fair play she seized the scissors and cut off one of my curls and would have cut them all off but for my mother 's timely interference .

    就这样,我们俩 轮流玩起 公平的游戏,她抓过剪刀剪掉我的一束鬈发。我想,要不是妈妈及时制止,她一定会把我的头发都剪光的。

  • The complaint came a day after UBS agreed pay $ 780m in fines and turn over about 250 names to the US as part of a settlement of two other US government lawsuits in which it admitted having enabled clients to evade taxes .

    就在前一天,瑞银同意支付7.80亿美元罚金,并 美国提供 大约250个人名,以求与美国政府就另外两宗诉讼达成和解。该行承认曾帮助客户成功逃税。

  • Then he put on his hat and went for a turn about the block .

    然后他戴上帽子,在街区 周围 散步

  • Your uncle never did admire you till now-and now he does . Fanny do not turn away about it-it is but your uncle .

    你姨夫以往从来不觉得你好看,现在他觉得你好看了。范妮,不要 对此不好意思,他是你 姨夫嘛。

  • Miss elizabeth let us take a turn about the room .

    伊丽莎白小姐,我们在房间里 吧。

  • In order to decrease the system Inveracious Alarm the alarm restraining can be done when the driver turn about loose accelerograph and apply the brake .

    为了降低系统的虚警率,本系统在驾驶员采取 转向、松油门和制动时均实施了报警抑制。

  • At the same time it expounds ethical issue that ethical problem existent and we should turn about human embryonic stem cells research and gene therapy and the share of gene resources .

    同时,阐述了基因课题中存在的、值得我们 反思的伦理问题, 人类胚胎干细胞研究、基因治疗以及基因资源共享问题。

  • After a year of almost continuous retreat in Africa Sicily and Italy the German troops were glad to turn about and fight .

    一年来,德军从非洲,西西里岛和意大利几乎马不停蹄地后撤,这时高兴地 转过身来杀 回马枪了。

  • Look at your talk and pick out a few words or sentences which you can turn about and inject with humor .

    考虑一下你的谈话,选出一些词汇和句子, 颠倒它们的秩序,并注入 一些幽默。

  • The turn is about two kilometres before the roundabout .

    拐弯就在环岛前面 2公里处。

  • But the aim is to force them to reverse course . Turn about to old approaches or to deepen the reform ?

    但是我们的目的是攻得他回头。是 沿用老办法, 回头路,还是深化改革?

  • We can do the work turn and turn about .

    我们可以 轮流干这个工作。