


  • And then push the turnstile to get into the platform .

    然后推动 旋转 栅门就可以进入站台了。

  • I heard a voice at the turnstile I had not heard for many years .

    我听到在 旋转 栅门 那儿有一个多年没有听到的嗓声。

  • Don 't add additional equipment outside tripod turnstile without permission and make sure ground system is reliable .

    未经许可,设备上 请勿添加外围设备且确保系统接地可靠,保证设备工作的安全可靠。

  • And then push the turnstile to get in .

    就能推动 转门 进去了。

  • Do not try to lift your bicycle over the turnstile .

    不要试图解除您的自行车在 旋转

  • Be gentle with your throttle when you are driving a rear wheel drive car . Applying too much throttle too quickly will cause you to spin out when you exit corners . You slip it into the slot at the turnstile and then push the turnstile to get in .

    开后驱车的时候,温柔地对待油门。出弯时踩油太多太快会使车子旋转。将辅币置入 旋转 栅门 狭槽 ,然后推开旋转栅门进去。

  • And I could have refused it at the gate where a spirited Latina teenager shoved it into my hands as I pushed through the turnstile .

    我原本在门口就可以拒绝,当我通过 入口 旋转 栅门时一个亢奋的拉美少女把它塞到了我手里。

  • The water gurgled as it ran down the plug-hole . Then you slip it into the slot at the turnstile

    汨汨地从塞孔中流下去.你在入口处 那儿 辅币塞进投币

  • Conductor : You put it in the slot at the turnstile and then push the turnstile to get into the platform .

    您把它投入 旋转 栅门的缝槽里,然后推动旋转栅门就可以进入站台了。

  • Three-dimensional Electromagnetic Field Theoretical Analysis and Numerical Calculation of Self-indexing Dielectric Sleeve Double Compact Turnstile Y-junction Waveguide Circulator

    自密封式双 转门介质套波导Y结环行器的三维电磁场理论分析和数值计算

  • 3-mm Lowest Mode Compact Turnstile Waveguide Circulator

    3毫米 转门型最低工作模式波导环行器

  • B : You slip it into the slot at the turnstile and then push the turnstile to get in .

    乙:在入口处 旋转 栅门 地方,您 它丢 投币 口里,便可以推动栅门进去。

  • Computations are performed for radiation field of inclined and horizontal four-element array with turnstile excitation and some typical patterns are shown .

    对倾斜的和水平的四元阵按 相位 旋转方式激励时的辐射场进行了计算、示出一些典型辐射图。

  • More than three thousand people go through the turnstile in an hour .

    1小时内3000人通过 旋转

  • You put it in the slot at the turnstile and then push the turnstile to go into the platform .

    你在 转门 入口处 塞进 投币 就能推动转门进入站台。

  • A 3-mm lowest mode HE_ ( 11 δ) compact turnstile H-plane waveguide circulator has been developed successfully in this short paper for the first time the good experiment measurement values show that it can meet the needs of majority of 3-mm systems .

    本文首次实现了3毫米 转门型最低工作模式模式HE(11δ),模式H面波导环行器,实验结果表明这类器件可用于相应毫米波系统中。

  • Man who walks through airport turnstile sideways is going to bangkok .

    那个穿过 飞机场的人是要去曼谷。

  • Passing through the turnstile is another line that marks a transition back to the locked node .

    通过 旋转 是另一线条,代表转变回上锁节点。

  • You slip the token into the slot at the turnstile and then push the turnstile to get in .

    你在 入口处 那儿 辅币 塞进 投币 ,就能推动转门进去了。