




  • Putting two and two together I assume that this was the car he used .

    根据我的了解,我 猜想这是他曾开过的车子。

  • We were two months behind schedule and already over budget .

    我们的进度晚了 个月,而且已经超出了预算。

  • I think you can get through the first two chapters .

    我想你能完成前 章。

  • I have two boys .

    我有 儿子。

  • I had lived two doors away from this family for several years

    我和这家人是好几年的邻居了,中间就隔着 两家

  • He and I had two fish apiece

    他和我各有 两条鱼

  • Two significant constants have been found in a number of research studies .

    若干研究已经发现了 重要常量。

  • Tristan had been separated from his wife for two years .

    特里斯坦和妻子已经分居 两年了。

  • I almost lasted the two weeks . I only had a couple of days to do .

    我几乎撑过了这 星期。我只有几天时间去做。

  • Divorce is never the fault of one partner ; it takes two

    离婚从来都不是一方的错误: 双方责任。

  • The conflict with James has dragged on for two years .

    与詹姆斯的冲突拖了 两年

  • I have a wife and two small children

    我有一个妻子和 年幼的孩子。

  • I had two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches .

    我吃了 放了花生酱和果酱的三明治。

  • They waited for about two hours

    他们等了约 小时。

  • Two out of every three Britons already own a video recorder

    每3个英国人中就有 已经有了录像机。

  • One or other of the two women was wrong .


  • Two names were selected by drawing lots

    抽签选出了 名字。

  • The marriage had lasted for less than two years

    这段婚姻维持了不到 两年

  • In this trial two essential elements must be proven : motive and opportunity .

    在这次审讯中,必须证明 基本因素:动机和时机。

  • We were madly in love for about two years .

    我们疯狂地热恋了大概 两年

  • The two countries resumed normal diplomatic relations


  • There are two main structuralist techniques incorporated into critical social research .

    批判性社会研究中融入了 主要的结构主义分析技巧。

  • I asked one or two of the stallholders about it .

    我向 一两 摊贩打听了此事。

  • After two rings I put down the phone

    响了 两声后,我放下了电话。

  • I saw three camp beds two of which were occupied .

    我看见了3张折叠床, 其中 张已有人占了。

  • She 's been married for seven years and has two daughters .

    她已经结婚7年了,有了 女儿。

  • The two objectives are in conflict .


  • We lived together off and on for two years .

    我们断断续续在一起生活了 两年

  • It takes two to tango and so far our relationship has been one-sided .
