



  • The LORD does not twit us with them and charge us with being insincere .

    上帝并没有 我们的 责怪我们不忠诚。

  • Who are you gonna beiieve ? This Iying IittIe twit or the man who raised you ?

    你究竟想信谁?这个撒谎的小 丫头还是把你养 的人?

  • Little twit blasted me on his new cd why ?

    他在新 专辑中攻击我?为什么?

  • A boring old twit like the adults I see .

    我看见的那些 成年人那样。

  • Soon I will be sultan not that addle-pated twit .

    不久国王就是我了,不再是那个糟 老头

  • He 's asking you a question you twit !

    问你 笨蛋

  • He reportedly called her ' a lying little twit ' .

    据说他称她是“ 满嘴谎话的 可恶 白痴”。

  • He is rannulph junuh you damn twit .

    他就是 兰努夫朱诺,你这傻帽。