




  • And keep that with you because it 's going to be important in what follows we can derive three things : the radius the period of rotation and the speed of the object as I twirl it around .

    从这 曲线,记住这 曲线,, Sofromthatcurve&,因为接下来它会,很重要,从中你们推导出3样:,半径,自转周期,已经我 旋转的,物体的速度。

  • The man is dancing by himself twirl round and round .

    这男士一人 独舞旋转

  • It can even dance in a drinking glass and twirl around a pencil !

    它甚至可以在一个玻璃杯和铅笔周围 舞蹈!

  • When I twirl this around it produces a particular tone .

    当我 这个旋转,它发出特殊的音调。

  • The results are multi-coloured streaks of light which twirl and wrap in spaces showing how they surround objects and people .

    得出的结果是 旋转缠绕的彩色光线条纹,显示出它们是如何存在于物体和人体周围的。

  • Don 't touch your face or twirl your hair during the interview .

    面试过程中不要摸脸或是 抚摸头发。

  • Thus Chinese classical dance techniques are unique and different in terms of movement patterns regularity generation of strength and the final aestheticization of the dance . Jump twirl turn was short for the Chinese classical dance techniques .

    因此,中国古典舞的技术技巧无论是从动作形态、运动规律、发力方法及最后的审美呈现上都是别具一格、与众不同的。跳、 、翻是 我们 习惯对中国古典舞技术技巧的简称。

  • She did a neat twirl in the middle of the room .

    她在房间中央很 优雅

  • To twirl or rotate without purpose .

    毫无目的 旋转,或转动。

  • Bonnie twirled her empty glass in her fingers

    邦妮用手指 旋转 她的空杯子。

  • Several hundred people twirl around the ballroom dance floor .

    几百人在舞厅的 舞池里旋转。

  • To be more specific it is the three technique systems namely jump twirl round and turn over which set up the large technique system of Chinese classical dance .

    具体说来,就是中国古典舞的三大技术体系,即跳跃、 旋转、翻身, 他们共同建立起庞大的古典舞技术技巧系统。

  • All around me leaves twirl to the ground .

    在我周围,树叶 打着 纷纷 飘落到地上。

  • Sarah lifted her hand and started twirling a strand of hair .

    萨拉抬起手 开始 手指 缠绕一缕头发。

  • He made the ice twirl in his glass .

    他使他杯中的冰块 旋转

  • Yeah sit on it and twirl you dirty scum .

    好呀,你这个废物坐上去, 跟着 旋转

  • You see them twirl around ?

    他们怎么 了?

  • Turn the balloon upside down and twirl the balloon to set the coin in motion .

    把气球颠倒过来, 旋转气球使硬币在气球内部运动。

  • She do a quick twirl to show off her dress

    轻快 转身,炫耀自己所穿的衣服

  • I watch you read and twirl your hair as if you know how much it hurts me every time .

    我注视着你读书, 注视 摩挲 自己的头发,好像你知道这每次都让我很受伤。

  • She did a twirl in front of the mirror .


  • At the back door there was a great butternut tree round which the steps had been built and in front the trees stood so close that I could touch them and feel the wind shake their branches or the leaves twirl downward in the autumn blast .

    房子后门还有一棵巨大的灰胡桃树,人们在它的周围修建了台阶。我离这些树木是如此之近,可以轻易地摸到被风吹拂的树枝,还有在阵阵 秋风中滚动的树叶。

  • Afterwards professional stylist Flavian Abbas will tease twirl and boost roots for a blow dry that will leave your hair looking silken shining with health and feeling light as air .

    后来,专业的发型设计师 弗拉维雅·阿巴斯将会挑起头发,并将其 旋转吹干,这样让你的头发看起来像绸缎一样闪着健康柔和的光,并且让你感觉它薄如空气。

  • In one a small boy appears utterly confused as the ears twirl apparently at random above him .

    在其中一 视频里,一位男生明显处于困惑 状态,但他 上的耳朵