


  • Walk along a strand strange land COME to a city gate sentry there old ranker too old tweedy 's big moustaches leaning on a long kind of a spear .

    那里有个上了年纪的岗哨,也是行伍出身,留着一副老 威迪那样的大口髭,倚着一杆长矛枪,穿过有遮篷的街道而行。

  • Tweedy Browne built that record with very wide diversification .

    布朗 合伙公司的 投资高度分散。

  • But tweedy can you help me win ?

    但是崔 ,你能帮我获胜吗?

  • An older woman pink-cheeked and tweedy appeared in the doorway .

    一位面颊绯红、一副 乡下贵族打扮的老妇人出现在门口。

  • Tweedy Browne built that record with very wide diversification . An Experimental Distributed Temperature Sensing System Based on Optical Fiber Brillouin Scattering

    布朗 合伙 公司 投资高度分散。分布式光纤布里渊散射温度传感实验系统

  • We met a Tweedy man walking a couple of dogs .

    我们遇到一位 生活 优裕的男人遛几只狗。

  • Tweedy Browne 's selections have sunk even well below that level in terms of name recognition .

    布朗 公司所选择的 的则更是名不见经传的 企业

  • The developers realise that using artists is a way of adding value to the sites said Mr Tweedy .

    开发商意识到,利用艺术家是给这些场所增值的一种方式, 威迪指出。

  • The pub was full of tweedy farmers .

    小酒店里净是 身穿 衣服的农民。

  • Give this Tweedy guy something to write about .

    给些东西让那个 穿 衣服的家伙写。

  • Colin Tweedy the chief executive of Arts & Business said that the change in emphasis in its activities reflected the changing nature of wealth creation .

    Arts&Business首席执行官科林•特威迪(Colin Tweedy)表示,其业务活动重点的改变,反映了财富创造不断变化的本质。