two-body problem

[tu ˈbɑdi ˈprɑbləm][tu: ˈbɔdi ˈprɔbləm]


  • Laplace method is a typical method of orbit computing for short arc in the model of two-body problem .


  • This paper discusses the problem of distribution of points on the moon 's surface intersected by the orbits of several kinds of lunar rocket based on the planar and space double two-body problem .

    本文以平面和空间的双 问题为基础,研究了几种类型的击中月球火箭的轨道在击中月球时同月面交点的分布问题。

  • The four-order and six-order Symplectic Algorithm with ameliorated one are used for the Two-Body and the N-Body problem of the Hamilton system in the solar system respectively .

    将通常的四阶和六阶辛算法与改进的显式四阶和六阶辛算法分别应用于太阳系Hamilton系统的 和N体 问题

  • For example the two-body problem in a classic electrodynamics some population models some models of commodity price fluctuations and models of blood cell productions are given in the form of iterative functional differential equations .

    例如,描述经典电动力学的 问题、一些人口模型、日用品价格波动模型以及血细胞生产模型都涉及到迭代泛函微分方程。

  • Introduce the reference frame and time system used in orbit design particularly . Analyzed the orbit characteristic of two-body problem and launch window .

    详细介绍了用于轨道设计的坐标系统和时间系统,分析了 轨道特性和发射窗口的基本特性。

  • A new intelligent planning algorithm which is used for fixed-time point-to-point multi-impulse orbital maneuver in the two-body problem is proposed in this paper .

    针对 轨道 模型,设计了一种时间固定点对点多冲量轨道机动的智能规划算法。

  • The three components s.t.w of PPN perturbation for the rotating two-body problem

    自转 问题中的PPN摄动力三分量 S.T.W

  • Work-energy theorem and law of conservation of mechanical energy in two-body problem


  • The mentioned physical model can be simplified as a perturbation two-body Hamiltonian problem .

    该物理模型可以简化为一个摄动 哈密顿 问题

  • Generalized Homogeneous Function s and the Two-Body Problem

    广义齐次函数和 问题

  • Solution and position computation of the two-body problem considering PN effect

    考虑后牛顿效应的 问题的解和星历计算

  • It is now widely believed that the N-body problem for N ≥ 3 cannot be solved in the same sense as the two-body problem .

    事实上N(≥3) 问题是不可能完全解决的。