turnover ratios

[经] 周转比率

  • But there is not significant difference about the weekly average turnover ratios and the average year BM ratios between them .

    但是其平均周 换手 与平均年BM比率之间的差别却不怎么明显。

  • C-labelled propionate and - 14C-glucose were used as a tracer to measure the percentage of glucose carbon from propionate and glucose turnover of the sheep sustained by intragastric nutrition when volatile fatty acid mixtures with three acetate to propionate ratios were infused .

    本项试验使用了14C标记的丙酸和葡萄糖;用同位素示踪技术研究了全营养灌注绵羊改变瘤胃灌注混合挥发性脂肪酸中乙/丙酸 比例后,丙酸糖异生代谢和体内葡萄糖 周转 速度的变化。

  • The turnover ratios can reflect the firms ' speed of fund turnover and time of operating cycle hence indicate the liquidity .

    周转 指标能够反映企业的资金周转速度和营业周期,反映企业的流动性。

  • To evaluate the liquidity and debt-paying ability using a series of turnover ratios is very important .

    为了评价流动性和债务清偿能力,使用一系列的 周转 比率 指标是非常重要的。

  • The commonly used turnover ratios are receivable turnover inventory turnover and other relative indicators .

    常用的 周转 指标主要是应收账款周转率、存货周转率和其他有关的指标。