turning effect

[ˈtə:nɪŋ ɪˈfɛkt][ˈtɜ:nɪŋ iˈfekt]


  • Through discussion of how to improve the extractive efficiency pointed that whether the rotary disc is turning or not has no effect on extractive efficiency .

    通过对提高萃取塔效率技术措施的讨论,指出转盘萃取塔的转盘 与不转对萃取效率没有 影响

  • The space turning effect of sandwich holographic contour

    夹层全息等高线的空间 旋转 效应

  • Contrast the two machining method between turn-milling and turning research the effect on machining precision of micro-shaft parts about cutting depth .

    通过车铣和 车削两种加工方法的对比,重点研究了切削深度对微细轴类零件加工精度的 影响问题。

  • The algorithm studied of the force of nodes deeply in the process of moving and introduced the shunting model in biology . It solved the problem of hard turning of node paths effectively and has achieved a very good coverage effect . ( 2 ) .

    该算法深入研究了节点移动过程中的受力情况,并引入生物学中的分流模型,有效地解决了节点移动路径硬性 转折的问题,并且达到了很好的区域覆盖 效果

  • We adopt the opening country method and turning the stick method to learn the effect of the freshman quits poison capsule on the activity of the small mice .

    采用旷野法和 棒法,分别 观察 不同组别的小鼠的活动情况。

  • Then we try to find the demand structure from auto-regression model and search the turning point that can explain the source of bullwhip effect .

    然后作者通过建立回归模型了解汽车市场的需求模型结构,并通过 点分析查找模型结构的改变节点,试图以此 点来解释牛鞭 效应的源头。

  • In connection with some problems in structural design work it introduces selection of basic form 、 turning effect of restraining structure and structural treatment of corner window in structural design of high residence so as to satisfy requirement of structural safety & reliability .

    就结构设计工作中遇到的一些问题,介绍了高层住宅结构设计中基础形式的选择、限制结构的 扭转 效应、转角窗构造处理等,以满足结构的安全性、可靠性的要求。

  • Study on the New Town Construction and Old City Regeneration of Barcelona in the Turning Point of Mega-events Effect

    大事件 作用 契机下巴塞罗那的城市新区建设与旧区改造探析

  • Analysts say turning off the fire hydrants that supply most of the water to the protesters could have a devastating effect .

    分析人士表示, 关闭目前向抗议者供应大部分水的消防栓,可能导致严重 后果

  • The model takes into account the radial rigidity side leaning effect longitudinal slide turning of the running tire and the radial rigidity side leaning effect of the steering tire and stabilizing tire .

    模型考虑走行轮的径向刚度、侧偏效应和纵向滑 ,对导向轮和稳定轮则考虑其径向刚度和侧偏 效应

  • Using the simultaneously multi-axis movement function of control system constantly tangential NC turning technology for the purpose of eliminating the direct effect caused by form error of tool nose can be realized via three simultaneous controllable axes including x-axis z-axis and the tool carrier .

    利用控制系统的多轴联动控制功能,使该刀架与数控车床X、Z轴实现三轴联动,则可实现曲面恒切向 车削,以消除刀具刀尖形状误差对曲面加工精度的 影响

  • People have been turning their traditional way of shopping to the way of online shopping gradually because of the high effect and convenient network .

    网络的 高效与便捷,使人们从传统的购物方式 逐渐转向网络购物方式。

  • Is turning effect of propeller very strong ?

    螺旋桨 转动 效率是否很强?

  • Simulation of the Surface Topography in Diamond Turning under the Effect of Vibration

    振动 影响下金刚石 车削表面的形貌仿真

  • Public policy implementation is the process of turning public policy ideas into practical effect and realizes the already-set policy goal .

    公共政策执行是 公共政策理念转化为实际 效果、实现既定政策目标的过程。

  • Post hoc comparisons found that one year is an important turning point in migrating time . ( 4 ) Mediating effect analysis showed that meta-stereotypes of migrant children and urban children were negatively associated with intergroup contacts and the relationships were partially mediated by intergroup anxieties .

    事后比较发现,流动1年左右是重要的时间 转折点。(4)中介 效应分析显示,流动和城市儿童的群际焦虑在元刻板印象与群际接触间起部分中介作用。

  • The turning core can provide the energy and dynamics for the magnetic effect core convection and mantle plume .

    这部分能量的存在和 释放,为地磁 效应,液核对流和热幔柱形成提供能源和动力。

  • In the design of throw-away type clamped tip turning tool in many cases the use of insert with an inclination angle results in a satisfactory effect .

    在设计不重磨 车刀时,在许多情况下采用带刃倾角刀片可获得满意的 效果

  • With the mature technology of Internet and multimedia Research emphasis of network education is turning on evaluate effect of network learning and learners from platform development and resource design .

    由于因特网和多媒体技术的成熟,现阶段网络教育的研究重点已逐渐从学习平台开发、资源设计 转向对网络学习 效果和学习者的评价 上来

  • Yes turning effect of propeller very strong .

    是的,螺旋桨 转动 效率很强。

  • The civilian-owned enterprisers in Pearl river delta generated from economical reform and system turning orbit after more than 20 years ' developing had reached some extent scale they had appeared more and more effect on economics of Guangdong province day and day .

    珠三角民营企业家作为经济改革、体制 转轨的产物,经过20多年的发展,已经具有一定的规模,而且对广东省的经济发展 作用日趋 显著

  • Methods : The jiggle cage test and the turning reflection method were used to detect the effect of drugs .

    方法:采用抖笼换能器法、 反射法观察复方安神液的镇静催眠 作用

  • Based on analytic method and through turning experiments this paper investigated the variety of cutting heat with cutting speeds ( 200 ~ 1400m / min ) and the effect of tool conditions .

    基于解析法,通过 车削实验获取解析法计算中所必需的参数,研究中碳钢干切削条件下所产生的切削热随切削速度(200~1400m/min)的变化和刀具条件的 影响

  • This supports basis for emphatic management in the process of promoting the phenomenon of talent accumulation turning to the effect of talent accumulation .

    为促进人才聚集现象向人才聚集 效应 转变提供了重点管理的依据。

  • Turning is the main upper-limb sport at taekwondo horizontal kicking which not only serves to keep coordinate and cooperate but helps to improve the attacking effect .

    而躯干的运动在跆拳道的横踢中主要是 转动,这种转动对横踢动作起到协调和配合作用,有利提高横踢的打击 效果