
[tɚn ʌp][tə:n ʌp]


  • The champion beaten in the first round ? That 's a turn-up for the book !

    那冠军在第一回合中 败了?真 想不到

  • For example the roof of Chinese ancient buildings they all have gabled roofs with four to eight turn-up edges .

    比如说中国的古代建筑的屋顶, 为什么它们 普遍都会有一个山形的屋顶和四到八个 上翘的边角?

  • In addition the waist of the trouser pocket is pleated and the turn-up cuff of the trouser legs is different from other dresses which become one of the characteristics of Zhongshan Suit .

    此外,裤袋的腰部打褶, 裤管翻脚也有异于其他服装,成为中山装的特色之一。

  • He actually offered to help ? That 's a turn-up for the books !

    他居然提出要帮忙?这真是 太阳 西边 出来了。