turn-off switch

[ˈtə:nˌɔf swɪtʃ][ˈtɜ:nˌɔ:f switʃ]

[计] 关断开关

  • The main switch and the other semiconductor devices in proposed converter are operated at zero-voltage-switching turn-on and turn-off condition off except auxiliary switch .

    这种变换器中除了辅助 开关以外主要的开关和其他半导器件在零电压状态下开通和

  • Theory analysis and parameters optimize design of reliability turn-off of high power DC bi-directional DC fast thyristor switch in EAST Tokamak

    EAST托卡马克大功率双向直流快速晶闸管 开关可靠 理论分析及参数优化设计

  • Zero-Voltage-Zero-Current-Switching ( ZVZCS ) turn-on and Zero-Voltage-Switching ( ZVS ) turn-off of the main switch Zero-Current-Switching ( ZCS ) turn-on and zero-voltage-switching ( ZVS ) turn-off of the auxiliary switch zero-current-switching ( ZCS ) turn-off of the output rectifier diode were realized in proposed converter .

    该变换器实现了主 开关的零电压、零电流开通和零电压 断,辅助开关的零电流开通和零电压关断,以及输出整流二极管的零电流关断。

  • The turn-on angle and turn-off angle of the main switch in the voltage PWM control are optimized by the maximal start torque and minimal start torque ripple .

    对不同转速下,电压PWM控制的主 开关器件的开通角和 角进行了基于起动转矩最大和起动转矩脉动最小两种情况下的角度优化,得出了最优角度。