


  • Turkey plans to harness the waters of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers for big hydro-electric power projects .


  • The two great rivers of the Middle East rise in the mountains of Turkey .

    中东地区的两大河流发源于 土耳其 境内的山脉。

  • Greece broke off relations with Turkey .

    希腊断绝了与 土耳其的关系。

  • It negotiated similar deals with Brazil and Turkey .

    中国与巴西和 土耳其也就类似交易进行了谈判。

  • They associate turkey with Thanksgiving .

    他们把 火鸡和感恩节联系在一起。

  • Dr Kengerli looks to Turkey as his mother country .

    肯戈理博士视 土耳其为自己的祖国。

  • The American president praised Turkey for its courage

    美国总统赞扬了 土耳其的勇气。

  • Pam was in the middle of basting the turkey

    帕姆正在往 烤鸡上淋油

  • They ate turkey and pumpkin pie .

    他们吃了 火鸡和南瓜馅饼。

  • These base camps were used by the PKK guerrillas to make forays into Turkey .

    这些基地训练营被库尔德工人党游击队用于对 土耳其实施突袭行动。

  • Nixon and I agreed on the importance of Turkey Pakistan and Iran .

    尼克松和我都同感 土耳其,巴基斯坦,伊朗这三国的重要性。

  • The BBC is also stopping all radio broadcasts in Russia Ukraine and Turkey .

    bbc还停止了在俄罗斯、乌克兰和 土耳其的所有电台服务。

  • China will also sign agreements with Turkey and Egypt on cooperation in the customs telecommunications agriculture economic technology and other fields .

    中国还将与 、埃两国就海关、电讯、农业及经济技术等领域合作签署一系列协议。

  • It 's a color of both Switzerland and Turkey .

    它是瑞士和 土耳其双方的颜色。

  • They broiled Turkey over a charcoal flame .

    他们在炭火上烤 火鸡

  • a Thanksgiving dinner of turkey and all the trimmings .


  • A Dr Matthew Owens was reported missing while on an expedition to north-eastern Turkey .

    据报道,一位叫马修·欧文斯的博士在前往 土耳其东北部考察的途中失踪了。

  • The haulage company was a carrier of machine parts to Turkey .

    该公路货运公司负责将机械零件运往 土耳其

  • The quickest way to get her off the drug was to let her go cold turkey .

    要使她摆脱毒品,最快的方法是让她彻底 戒毒

  • We are a chicken meat producing and exporting company that has been established in Izmir Turkey .

    我们是一家鸡肉生产和出口公司,已经建立了在伊兹密尔 土耳其

  • Turkey and Greece were buffer states against the former Soviet Union .


  • You cut the turkey without me ?

    你不等我就切 火鸡了?

  • She has journeyed on horseback through Africa and Turkey .

    她骑马游历了非洲和 土耳其

  • Alexandretta had been occupied by the French in 1918 after the defeat of Turkey .


  • Avoid Using In : Turkey Brazil Venezuela and France .


  • Chestnuts can be used at Christmas time as a stuffing for turkey guinea fowl or chicken .

    栗子可以在圣诞节时作 火鸡、珍珠鸡或家鸡的填料。

  • Oh ! I see . We eat turkey and pumpkin pie on that day .

    哦,我明白了。我们在那一天吃 火鸡和南瓜饼。

  • She avoided the issue by ordering a turkey sandwich

    她点了份 火鸡三明治,以此来避开这个重要问题。

  • Once the turkey has defrosted remove the giblets .

    一旦 火鸡解冻了之后,就把其内脏清除掉。

  • The list of countries in trouble also includes Bulgaria Estonia Latvia and Turkey .

    遇到问题的国家还包括保加利亚、爱沙尼亚、拉脱维亚和 土耳其