


  • The only pipeline route for gas exports out of landlocked central Asia goes through Russia which doubled the price it paid for Turkmen gas last year amid growing competition from other buyers .

    中亚内陆国家出口天然气的唯一管道线路需要通过俄罗斯。去年,面对其它买家日益激烈的竞争,俄罗斯将其支付给 土库曼斯坦的天然气价格提高了一倍。

  • President Niyazov made the announcement in a speech broadcast on Turkmen television which in effect made it a presidential order .

    总统尼亚佐夫在 土库曼斯坦的电视讲话中宣布了这条消息,实际上这就是总统御令。

  • The writer will attach importance to the collection and settlement of language materials and the combination of theory and practice . The dictionary will be gradually perfected until it is all-sided and systematic in order to fill the blank of the Turkmen Sinology .

    在具体的编写过程中,始终会注重语料的搜集与整理,注重理论与实践相结合,逐渐使之完善,力图做到较为系统、科学,以弥补 土库曼斯坦汉学界的空白。

  • He died of a cardiac arrest Turkmen state television reported . He was 66 .


  • Finally some suggestions of compiling textbooks and teaching strategies are given according to the research of the acquisition of the existential construction of preparatory Turkmen students the compiling and the actual situation of teaching .

    最后根据上述对 库曼预科生的研究以及教材的编排、教学中的实际情况,对教材编写和教学策略提出了一定的建议。

  • Third has carried on the discussion to in Chinese glossary cultural connotation from the cultural word the fixed structure manifests the cultural connotation to obtain comparative analysis Chinese and Turkmen language cultural difference .

    第三,对汉语词汇中的文化内涵进行了探讨,从文化词、固定结构所体现出的文化内涵入手,比较分析了汉语和 库曼 的语言文化差异。

  • In this thesis two language pronunciation vocabulary grammar do a comparative study of three summarizes the similarities and differences of soil from three angles Han elaborated on the issue of Chinese language teaching Turkmen students point of view .

    本论文对两国语言的语音、词汇、语法三方面做了比较研究,总结土汉的异同从此三个角度阐述关于对 库曼学生的汉语教学问题的观点。

  • Its closest relatives are Turkish and Turkmen .

    与它最接近的是土耳其语和 库曼

  • The Turkmen mountains are relatively high but it is hard to imagine the palace remaining frozen without some sort of technical help .


  • In Turkmenistan the number of Chinese-studying person increases day by day but so far also there are not a Chinese and the Turkmen language to the bilingual dictionary which translates which has affected the Turkmenistan person Chinese study effect in the certain degree .

    在土库曼斯坦,学习汉语的人日益增多,但到目前为止,还没有一部汉语和 库曼语对译的双语词典,这在一定程度上影响了土库曼斯坦人汉语学习的效果。

  • Forecasts of Desertification Processes in the TURKMEN USSR


  • Niyazov attached such importance to his own epic account of the Turkmen nation that questions on the text appeared in the national driving test .


  • The agreement was reached on Tuesday during a visit to Beijing by Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov .

    这项合同星期二在 土库曼斯坦总统别尔德穆哈梅多夫访问北京期间签署。

  • Tony Shaimuli plastic manufacturing and processing ; Hardware for electricity chemicals needles textiles stationery video sales ; Turkmen excavation .

    制造、加工;五金、交电、化工、针纺织品、文具电玩的销售; 土方开挖。

  • At the same time there is a desire to help rebuild Afghanistan and provide India ( via Pakistan ) with gas to reduce its reliance on Iranian supplies ; so the US has explored Turkmen gas for the Trans-Afghan pipeline .

    同时,美国还希望帮助阿富汗重建,并(经由巴基斯坦)为印度提供天然气,以减少该国对伊朗供应的依赖;因此,美国对 土库曼斯坦天然气进行了开发,并通过阿富汗天然气管道进行输送。

  • Thesis ideas are as follows : first the first part on Turkmen students study Chinese language teaching situation .

    论文研究思路如下:第一部分关于对 库曼学生的汉语教学的情况考察。

  • Of students engaged in Turkmen Chinese language teaching advice .

    作者对从事对 库曼学生的汉语教学方面的建议。