turn into

[tɚn ˈɪntu][tə:n ˈɪntuː]


  • This basic functionality when built over clusters can easily turn into a high-speed parallel processing system .

    这个基本的功能如果构建在集群之上,就可以很容易 转变 高速并行处理系统。

  • What is soft and cuddly and will turn into your worst nightmare if you answer the question wrong ?

    如果你回答问题错误什么温柔和令人喜欢拥抱的将 进入你的噩梦?

  • Turn into a freak of nature ?


  • How could you turn into a different person so quickly ?

    你怎么能这么快就完全 了个人?

  • The fighting is threatening to turn into full-scale war

    这场战斗有可能 演变 全面的战争。

  • The lag is just long enough for your kid 's adorable smile to turn into a nightmarish frown .

    但就在这短短的一瞬间 ,你的孩子灿烂的笑容可能就 变成了可怕的皱眉。

  • We think he 'll turn into a top-class player .

    我们认为他会 成为一流的选手。

  • They will want to ensure that the eurozone is not going to turn into a permanent transfer union .

    各债权国将希望确保一点,即欧元区不会 变成一个永久性的资金转移联盟。

  • But if you do not love him any more all of his merits will turn into drawbacks .

    你不爱对方他了,其优点也 了缺点。

  • How did I turn into this ?

    我怎么 变成这样的?

  • The party is betting that the presidential race will turn into a battle for younger voters

    该党期待这次总统竞选 变成一场争取年轻一代选民的斗争。

  • There is a chance that the phoney war of the past three months will turn into real fighting .

    过去3个月的虚张声势有可能 演变 真正的战争。

  • You won 't turn into a werewolf until the rising of your first full moon .

    到第一个满月时才会 变成狼人。

  • It could well turn into some kind of a media circus .

    这很可能会 演变 媒体的一场闹剧。

  • The question is when does that turn into proprietary trading that they are uncomfortable with .

    问题在于这会在什么情况下 变成 他们不安的自营交易。

  • It can also turn into a nasty habit over time .

    这也可能会随着时间的流逝 一种危险的习惯。

  • I 'll turn into the most beautiful woman you have ever seen .

    我就会 你今生所见最漂亮的女人。

  • Do you think this frog can turn into a prince ?

    你认为这只青蛙可以 变成王子吗?

  • You showed me dreams I wished they would turn into real .

    你带给我梦想,我希冀着一切能 变成现实。

  • You never know when a 1 hour flight might turn into a 4 hour ordeal .

    你永远不知道:飞机上的1小时可能会 变成一段4小时的折磨。

  • They turn into this street .

    他们 转到这条街上。

  • How many gamblers turn into millionaire because gambling but not working have you seen ?

    你有看过多少 赌徒从不工作却因为赌博而 成为富翁?

  • Your mouse will turn into a crosshair ; simply click on the window you want to set as transparent .

    你的鼠标指针会 变成一个“十”字,单击你想透明的窗口。

  • You 'll turn into a werewolf when it 's a full moon .

    满月时你就会 变成狼人。

  • Eight years of communication helped me turn into a real woman .

    8年的相处让我 变成了一个真正的女人。

  • I think I have got to stop or I might turn into a machine

    我想我得停下来了,否则我就会 变成一台机器。

  • Never let your persistence and passion turn into stubbornness and ignorance .

    永远不要让你的坚持和激情 变成固执和无知。

  • This is a possibility which we should prepare to turn into actuality .

    这个趋势是可能实现的,我们应该准备 这样做。

  • How can a rock become so changed as to turn into a completely new rock ?

    岩石怎么会发生如此大的变化,以至于 变成 一种全新的岩石?

  • That I will turn into an angel to love you !

    那我会 化作天使来爱你!