turn colour

[tɚn ˈkʌlɚ][tə:n ˈkʌlə]


  • Business that some also modernize some behind the indistinct inland woman turn up screen putting on gay clothing and powder self 's face in pink colour .

    也有一些现代化的生意,一些 浓妆艳抹的内地女子若隐若现的出现在 粉色的帘幕后面。

  • The goose paw must deep fry until turn into golden colour it will not become too soft and can keep the good looking after cooking .

    鹅掌应先用油炸至金 黄色,走油后就不易在煲煮过后变得 烂,以保卖相。

  • The conquerors enslave the conquered who in turn begin to shape and colour the secret dreams and the culture of their masters .

    被征服者在惨遭奴役的同时,却 反过来影响了 征服者的文化和神秘梦想;

  • These in turn flow into the front and rear spoilers to complete the lower body structure all of which is finished in a gun metallic colour for added visual appeal .

    这些 反过来流入前方和后方扰流来完成这个较低的身体结构,所有这一切都是完成在枪金属 色彩为补充的视觉效果。

  • Turn over the fish head pieces try to get a golden colour .

    鱼头一面熟了 过去煎另外 一面

  • Without an economic rebound this deal might turn a dreary colour indeed .

    如果没有出现经济复苏,这笔交易真的可能会 变成一个可怕的 颜色

  • Bottle turn the star moves years alternate old E Er is much this now is changed new colour .

    斗转星移,岁月更迭,古老的鄂尔多斯今朝换 新颜