



  • Treatment of compensatory turbinate hypertrophy with radiofrequency ablation

    低温等离子射频消融术治疗代偿性 鼻甲肥大

  • Results ( 1 ) The morphology and mucosal ultrastructures of reserved middle turbinate were observed to have recovered postoperatively ;

    结果①肿胀型、息肉样变型和息肉 形成型的中 鼻甲形态和粘膜表面超微结构术后呈 良性转归;

  • Radiofrequency ablation for the treatment of inferior turbinate hypertrophy

    内镜下射频消融治疗 慢性肥厚 鼻炎

  • Results The penumatization rate of total or inferior part of middle turbinate correlated positively to the inflammation of anterior ethmoid and maxillary sinuses .

    结果全中甲或中甲下部气化的发生率随前筛、 上颌窦内软组织 增厚而升高;

  • Methods : the clinical data of28 patients with headache resulted from abnormal middle turbinate were retrospectively reviewed .

    方法:回顾分析28例中 鼻甲异常引起头痛的临床资料。

  • Minimally invasive treatment of adenoids and inferior turbinate hypertrophy in teenagers

    青少年腺样体及下 鼻甲肥大微创治疗的临床研究

  • Results Among all the cases 13 got full recovery without any complications 2 resulted in septum perforation 1 got adhesion between middle turbinate and septum .

    结果16例患者中13例恢复良好,2例发生鼻中隔穿孔,1例中 鼻甲与鼻中隔粘连。

  • Conclusions : The plasma ablation of the inferior turbinate hypertrophy is effective the efficiency is90.4 % .

    结论:低温等离子消融治疗下 鼻甲肥大效果佳,有效率90.4%。

  • Rhinitis of varying severity form mild inflammation to necrotizing effects on mucosa and turbinate bone may by seen .

    从轻度炎症到有粘膜和 甲骨坏死的鼻炎均可见到。

  • Objective : To investigate the surgical method and the curative effect of inferior turbinate function preservation for chronic hypertrophic rhinitis .

    目的:探讨保全 鼻甲 生理功能手术治疗慢性肥厚性鼻炎的方法及疗效。

  • CT and clinic of middle turbinate gasification A retrospective study


  • To observe the changes of shape structure and mucosa of two sides inferior turbinate in patients with deviated nasal septum .

    目的:观察鼻中隔偏曲患者双侧下 鼻甲的形态结构及其黏膜的病理改变。

  • The morphology middle turbinate and olfaction returned to normal affected directly sinusitis curative rate .

    本研究表明中 鼻甲形态的 转归,嗅觉恢复与鼻窦炎治愈率有明显的相关性。

  • Expression of histamine receptor in fibroblast of nasal polyp and nasal turbinate mucosa

    鼻息肉及 鼻甲黏膜成纤维细胞中组胺受体的表达

  • Of or relating to the scroll-shaped turbinate bones in the nasal passages .

    属于或关于鼻腔里 陀螺形骨。

  • All patients complicated paranasal sinus to a greater or lesser decree . Part of patients had maxillary sinus cyst and anatomical variation such as straight middle turbinate etc.

    全部合并不同程度鼻窦炎,部分见以直形中 鼻甲 为主的解剖变异及上颌窦囊肿。

  • He suffered from gross turbinate and had difficulties breathing recently .

    他患有 先天 鼻甲 肥大,最近 觉得呼吸不畅。

  • Conclusion : The partial middle turbinectomy for middle turbinate in FESS is necessary .

    行功能性鼻内窥镜手术时应酌情切除病变部分的 鼻甲

  • ObjectiveTo explore the changes of shape and structure of the middle turbinate in two nostrils with a deviated nasal septum .

    目的比较鼻中隔偏曲患者双侧中 鼻甲形态结构的改变。

  • MDCT Evaluation of Anatomic Variants of Middle Turbinate and Nasal Septum


  • Results : The ostiums apertures of maxillary sinus were flowing freely neither conglutination between middle turbinate and outer sides of nasal cavity nor atresia of ethmoid sinuses occurred .

    结果:患者均未见上颌窦自然口黏连闭锁,中 鼻甲与鼻腔外侧壁黏连及筛窦腔闭塞。

  • Selective neurotomy of anterior ethmoid nerve and squeezing operation of inferior turbinate for the treatment of perennial allergic rhinitis

    选择性筛前神经切断和下 鼻甲挤压术治疗常年性变应性鼻炎