


  • The results are helpful for the turbine guide blade design of the turbojet engine .

    其结果为 涡轮导向器叶片设计改进提供了依据。

  • The improved and modification designs were conducted for a turbojet engine .

    对某 涡轮 喷气发动机进行了改进、改型设计。

  • The validation of the method is demonstrated by the identification examples of turbojet engine .


  • A Study on High-Temperature Acoustic Measurement Within the Turbojet Combustors Measurement and Analysis of Noise in Wheeled Loader Cab Using Acoustic Intensity Techniques


  • The response of turbojet engine to the turbulence-type of dynamic inlet total pressure distortion is discussed in this paper .

    本文介绍 发动机对湍流型动态畸变的响应。

  • The design criteria of engine anti-surge control system are concluded by means of tests and data analysis . The validity of the design criteria has been demonstrated by the development and flight test of a turbojet engine anti-surge control system .

    通过试验和数据分析,得出了发动机防喘控制系统的有效性评价准则,而 发动机防喘控制系统的研制和飞行试验证明了该有效性评价准则的正确性。

  • The turbojet and the turboprop are much more satisfactory for airplanes .

    涡轮 喷气 发动机和涡轮螺桨发动机更适用于飞机。

  • In1939 the turbojet brought an entirely new method of propulsion .

    1939年, 发动机引入了一种全新的推力方法。

  • The Study of Atomization Character of Coaxial Injector in Rocket Engine ; axial flow turbojet

    火箭发动机同轴式喷嘴雾化特性研究轴流 涡轮 喷气 发动机

  • An airplane with an external propeller that is driven by a turbojet engine .

    由涡轮 螺桨发动机驱使的有额外推动器的飞机。

  • The turboprop engine is very much like the turbojet . It has an additional part a propeller .

    涡轮螺桨发动机与 涡轮 喷气 发动机十分相似。它多了一个螺旋桨部件。

  • Axial flow turbojet external air ( injection ) manifold

    轴流 涡轮 喷气 发动机 空气喷射总管

  • A special instument is presented for monitoring the transient process in a turbojet engine which is called transient operating line indicator .

    本文提出了一种测量 发动机过渡过程的专用仪器& 发动机过渡工作线显示仪。

  • Disc rotor ( with or without fins ) for turbojet engines This steam is used to turn turbine blades of electric generators .

    叶轮(带或不带叶片),用于 涡轮 喷气发动机这蒸汽被用来推动发电机的涡轮叶片。

  • Study on time between overhauls ( tbo ) of aircraft turbojet and its reliability

    航空 涡轮 发动机翻修寿命与可靠性分析

  • This method was applied to designing the steady state controller of a two spool turbojet aeroengine with success .

    该方法被用于某型双转子 航空发动机稳态控制器的设计,并取得了良好效果。

  • The turboprop engine is very much like the turbojet .


  • Numerical study on main shaft inner cooling channel of a micro turbojet

    发动机主轴内冷通道 传热数值研究

  • Turbojet performance Passing through the nozzle at the highest speed Impulse turbine steam directs against a row of blades which assembled in the axles of Impulse turbine with radiation shape .

    蒸汽以最高速度从喷嘴里 喷出时,便冲击一列呈辐射状安装在涡轮机主轴上的动叶片。

  • A turbojet therefore is more suitable at higher speed .

    因此, 发动机更适合更高速度的 飞行

  • Steam turbine centrifugal fat extractor turbojet performance extraction turbine

    蒸汽涡轮离心式 提取器

  • Experiments were performed to investigate surge problem of a single shaft axial flow turbojet engine during throttling .

    对某 单轴 发动机节流过程中的喘振故障进行了试验研究。

  • Combined radial and axial flow turbine axial flow turbojet

    辐流-轴流 涡轮机

  • Airplane powered by a turbojet engine .

    由涡轮 喷气发动机推动的飞机。

  • The characteristics of low thrust turbojet engine with a simple control program were studied .

    研究了 用于 无人 飞行器上使用的小推力 发动机在简单控制规律下的 多种重要特性。

  • A stage by stage mathematical model of the compressor in a turbojet engine is developed based on the control volume theory .

    根据控制体理论,建立了 发动机中压气机的逐级数学模型。

  • Under the identical regime and inlet flow conditions the performance of the twin spool turbojet engine was simulated respectively by real time model and non real time model .

    该实时模型包括:线性化的压气机特性模型、简化的 涡轮特性以及非线性方程组的降 处理。

  • The process of loosing compressor aerodynamic stability in a turbojet engine was analyzed using the correlation integral method .


  • Secondly the particular structural design characteristics of this micro - turbojet engine are analyzed .

    其次,又对这台 发动机独有的结构特点进行了分析;

  • Although multiple engines could possibly be synchronized to fire in a manner that reduces vibration levels they will still be significantly greater than those generated by turbojet or rocket motors .

    从它的 发动机 机身 构造 材料,虽然多引擎也可能会被同步到火灾的方式,降低振动水平,但仍将大大高于由 发动机或火箭发动机产生的。