


  • A flagellate protozoan such as a trypanosome that is parasitic in the blood .

    血鞭毛虫一种鞭毛原生动物,如 锥体 ,寄生于血液之中。

  • The Molecular Mechanism About Switching Surface Antigen of Trypanosome


  • A flagellate protozoan such as a trypanosome that is parasitic in the blood . homoecious tapeworms ; a homoecious beetle that is parasitic in the nest of an ant .

    血鞭毛虫一种鞭毛原生动物,如 锥体 ,寄生于血液之中寄生绦虫;一种寄生在蚂蚁巢穴中的寄生甲虫。

  • The Establishment of VSG Antigenic Reservoir of Trypanosome Evansi and Its Detection of Protective Immunity

    伊氏 VSG抗原库的建立及其免疫保护效果检测

  • This is highly related to the trypanosome lytic factor ( TLF ) found in normal human serum ( NHS ) and the serum resistance-associated ( SRA ) protein of trypanosomes infectious to human .

    人血清中的 溶解因子和 虫抗血清相关蛋白在 其中 关键作用。

  • To obtain genetic stable strain we evaluated the clearance of symbionts in tsetse impact of vitamin supplement on fly fertility and relationship between symbiont and trypanosome infection .

    为了获得稳定的遗传株,我们还研究了如何清除苍蝇的共生菌,如何添加维生素来维持苍蝇的生育能力以及共生菌对 感染的影响。

  • RNA trans-splicing in many primary eukaryotes has been found and testified since it was discovered from splicing of RNA of variable surface glycoprotein ( VSG ) in trypanosome .

    可变表面糖蛋白( VSG)中发现反式剪接以来,已经发现很多低等真核生物体内都存在这种剪接形式。

  • Establishment of rabbit anti - trypanosome evansi antibody bank and its detection efficacy against trypanosome evansi infection

    伊氏 VAT兔源抗体库的建立及其抗虫效果检测

  • It wasn 't found that PAPS diagnosis reagent for T. gondii 's antibody elicited the immune response with the positive serum of Schistosoma Trypanosome Trichina Lung fluke Fasciola hepatica Bladder worm .

    利用血吸虫、 、旋毛虫、肺吸虫、肝片吸虫、囊虫阳性血清与PAPS弓形虫抗体诊断液进行凝集试验,结果均呈阴性,未见发生交叉反应;

  • The activation of the resistive genes or the recombinations mutantion or amplification of the trypanosome genes because of trypanocides might result in the resistance .


  • Mother-to-child infection : the trypanosome can cross the placenta and infect the fetus .

    母婴感染: 可穿过胎盘并感染胎儿。

  • Equiperdum isolates . Methods Genomic DNAs of 26 trypanosome isolates were amplified by a mobile genetic elements ( MGE ) - PCR technique and cluster analysis was performed based on the molecular profiles with Neighbor-Joining method .

    方法利用移动遗传因子(MGE)-PCR技术对26个 虫虫株基因组进行扩增,同时利用邻位相连(NJ)法对扩增产物进行聚类分析。

  • The antigenic reservoir produced a protective rate as high as 80 % which provides a way for developing new vaccine of Trypanosome evansi .

    该抗原库的最佳 免疫保护率达到80%以上,它的 建立伊氏 疫苗的研制开辟了一条新的途径。

  • We reviewed the research progress in TLF and its role in trypanosome lysis as well as the mechanism of SRA against the TLF .

    本文对人 血清 溶解因子和 抗血清相关蛋白的研究进展进行了综述。