tube cast

[tub kæst][tju:b kɑ:st]

[医] 肾小管管型

  • The tube mold is used for manufacturing of the centrifuge nodular cast iron tube the forming of its blank is very difficult .

    模是生产离心球墨 铁管的模具,其毛坯的锻造成型非常困难。

  • Research on Welding Technology of Dissimilar Metal Tube Joint between Stainless Heat-resistance Steel and Cast Steel

    不锈耐热钢与 铸钢 头的焊接工艺探讨

  • The technique of continuous cast extrusion forming and for the tube bar sectional material and wire of Al-Sc alloy and Al-Mg-Sc alloy by the patent of continuous cast extrusion machine are put forward .

    用连续 挤机开发出Al-Sc合金、Al-Mg-Sc合金 、棒、型、线材的连续铸挤成形技术。

  • Demolition of Examination Steel Tube for Treating Cast Piles by Filled Cement Mortar

    灌注桩压浆处理时的检测 钢管爆破

  • Author does some design on tube union and ball valve aiming at that . Vacuum level directly influences on the quality of cast resin so author makes some design on vacuum static seal in this thesis .

    真空度直接影响了 电子本体和 偏转线圈的 灌封质量,故本文对灌封设备真空静密封进行了一定的研究与设计。

  • Sweat Solder adapter with Cover Tube and Cast Set Screw Wall Flange

    焊接焊料适配器含盖 铸造固定螺栓墙法兰

  • Hot-rolled seamless steel tube column as the main vertical load-bearing member plays the role of structure transferring between the cast RC frame shear wall and the steel roof truss .

    以热轧无缝 钢管柱为主要竖向承重结构构件,承担 钢筋混凝土框架剪力墙结构与钢屋架之间的结构转换作用。

  • The small size bore steel tube cast in place pile embeded in rock

    微型 钻孔嵌岩 钢管灌注桩

  • Research on Tube Spinning Process and Properties of Cast Titanium Alloy

    铸造钛合金 的旋压成形及性能研究

  • Austenitic Stainless Steel Tube Made by Hot Extrusion of Hollow Cast Blank

    用空心 坯热挤压成形奥氏体不锈钢

  • On the basis of engineering practice this paper analyzes the problems about the penetration of driven steel tube for cast - in - place pile and describes the suggestion to solve the problems .

    以工程实践为基础,对锤击 沉管灌注桩的贯入度问题进行了分析,提出了存在问题的原因和解决的意见。

  • In addition the degeneration and necrosis of epithelial cells and the formation of tube cast were found in 96.2 and 84.1 percent of renal tubules respectively .

    此外,96.2%的肾小管上皮细胞变性坏死,84.1%的肾小管中有 形成。